
Sunday, October 4, 2020



The hotel we stayed at was called Intercontinental. 

Day 1: I flew to Wellington on a plane. We walked to the beehive which is where Jacinda Arden

goes to. Sadly we didn't see her because she is in Auckland. The tour around the beehive is so

boring. We had to drop off our jackets at the beehive and all that stuff then we had to get it so

afterwards we got the tray and took our stuff out. Then I was like where's Melby (the toy dog that

I took) and aunty Ellie asked the people where she was. They searched the other trays and

eventually found him. Then we went on the public slide then we walked somewhere for lunch,

I think it was called back benchers. Then we walked along the waterfront and went back to the

hotel. Now I'm lying in the hotel in our room (no.330) on the third floor,  on the 3rd floor there is

a pool and a sauna and hot pools. There is also a gym. The airplane ride was OK until the plane

felt like it dropped down a meter but it probably didn't and that made me feel so sick but I held it

in and then I felt sick the rest of the way which was about 2 minutes but it felt way longer.

Then we got out walked in the airport then we went outside and got on a bus, the guy who was

driving the bus was nice and we were driving along and then we started to walk down the aisle

in the bus to the front because it was our stop then the guy said he had forgotten to stop and

so we missed our stop and then we had to walk to the hotel and drop off our bags then stroll

through the streets and to the beehive and parliament. We went out for dinner and had a swim

in the hotel pool - it was very deep.

Day 2: We had a buffet breakfast. We went to Te Papa. We went into the earthquake house.

We also saw some cool tattoos but in weird places - butts! It was on the fourth floor. And we

thought grandma had got lost in the Gallipoli area because she took so long! Then we went

up the cable car. We went into the cable car and some people pushed in front of us so then

we didn’t get a seat and then we went down to the end of the cable car and aunty Ellie had to

stand but then some people gave me and grandma their seats. We went uphill and saw some

cool lights in the tunnel. Some were disco lights and some were just really bright colourful lights.

Once we got to the top we walked around to where all the good views are and we waited for the

cable car to come down again. While we were waiting this lady came and started talking to us and

then she just stopped talking and we all waited for the cable car to come down. I had my tablet on

the rail and then the cable car whooshed down the tracks and I took a photo and the lady shouted

“take one, another one, now!” but my tablet wasn’t that fast and the lady said “oh too slow”, meanly.

Then we went to the cable car museum and I jumped into the front seat of the cable car.

I got some gifts for my sister and my mum and Steve. Once we had finished in the cable

car museum, we walked down through the gardens. I closed my eyes and aunty Ellie led me

down the steep path. We had dinner at the crab shack. We went swimming in the pool at eight


Day 3: We did a harbour cruise. It went to Some’s Bay and it went to somewhere else as well.

It was probably pretty quick but it felt like really long. And we got off the boat and then we went

to the zoo. My favourite was the tiger because it heard the keeper and I didn’t hear it and then

the keeper threw some meat and the tiger ran and ripped it to shreds. I asked if we could try the

gym, my grandma said “Not me.” So me and my aunty went together. We tried the treadmill my

highest was 15km/per hour, I did stretches and tried a rowing thing and leg mussel thing.

We went out for dinner at Two Greys. 

Day 4: We had to leave the hotel after breakfast. We took the bus to the airport. When we got to

the airport in the bus we took out all our bags from the bus and went inside the airport. The flight

was scary, I had to hold my aunty’s hand. On the flight to and from Wellington we had to wear

facemasks. I had a great trip but I was happy to be home.



  1. Kia ora Ava,

    Your blog post caught my eye because of the title. Wellington is one of my favourite cities in New Zealand. From reading your blog post I can see that you have had a pretty great time, even if the parliament tour was a little boring.

    Your hotel sounds very nice, especially has it had a pool! I wonder if if sharing your hotel room is being cybersmart? Is it kinda like sharing your home address? What do you think?

    Thanks for sharing your cool as holiday. The photos helped me visualize where you had been.

    Keep up the great learning and blogging,
    :) Sharon - Te Ara Tūhura Education Programme Leader

    1. Hi Sharon Spragg, I sent a message to my brother and sister and then pasted it onto my blog and wrote a bit more. I don't think so.


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