
Friday, October 30, 2020

Mobile Home.

                            MOBILE HOME.

A big two-story brick house connected to 4 long black wheels, and green window panelings. The house has a log fire that burns and burns until the magical family puts a spell on it. The curtains are a lime green colour with a tint of baby blue. 

In the magical family there are 5 boys a one girl. The girl isn't as magical as everyone else and her parents and brothers ignore her and blame her for everything. Their grandfather has a favorite child and it's Emily. Emily loves him so much and he lives in the same house as them which is good for Emily because he sticks up for her.

On a long dark road the carriage/house rides along the long dark road then whenever it gets 400 km away from the town 'BAM' the front wheels detach and spins rapidly off the road. Then the house/carriage drags the back half along the gravel road. 

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