
Friday, October 23, 2020

My Dog Pixel

 She likes to pose for photos. 

                                         My Dog Pixel

When my dog Pixel has wet fur, her fur crinkles and the fur on her ears look like dreadlocks! When I call her name she looks at me and turns her head in a questioning way. Whenever I walk up to her she wages her enormously long bushy tail and rolls onto her back. Her tail looks like a fox tail. She has a loving nature. When I throw a Frisbee she has five steps, run, jump, catch down, sprint. Her tongue is the colour of a freshly picked rose. She has blonde fur and golden coloured eyes. She loves to chew a ball. That's my dog Pixel. 


  1. Hi Ava
    WOW Pixel is SO cute!!
    That photo is really cute!
    I have a small cat who also LOVES posing for photos!
    Great work,

    1. Thanks Clara, I have loads of photos of Pixel and even pictures of when we first got her.


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