
Sunday, October 4, 2020

My Dog Arlo

                                 My Dog Arlo

My dog Arlo has big hazel eyes. He has long beautiful eyelashes, too beautiful for a boy! His tongue is as pink as a rosy flower. His brown fur is thick and soft. He acts as though he's a meercat when he wants food. He is a lazy dog and he likes to sleep beside me when I sit on the couch. At night when it's only me he sleeps with me and lies at the end of my bed. Arlo's tail curves in like a pig's! It is long but it looks small when it's curved. When he has the zoomies his tail unravels and points out like a laser. Arlo has a mustache, it is grey and a light brown colour. At the beach my other dog is mean to him, he doesn't like to play with her at the beach but she always wants to play with him. I also have two cats who love Arlo and he likes them but sometimes they aren't in the playing mood. Arlo spends most of his days sleeping. I love my dog Arlo. 

 (The big dog here is not the one I was talking about at the beach.)
These are photos of Arlo as a puppy. 

1 comment:

  1. Kia ora I'm Erika and I'm from Yaldhurst Model School. I like the way you showed photos of you and the dog, they were so cute! You reminded me of when I used to have a dog. Next time you could add yourself in most of the photos that you put in your blog.


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