
Thursday, October 29, 2020

Dogs and puppies

 This is my dog Arlo. He has a pose, we call the pose meercat. This is Arlo when we first got him which was in Warrington.

 He is so handsome.

 This is my dog Pixel. Sometimes we call her Pixie but then my step-dad tells us off!

 This is my new, new, new puppy called Mika. She is 11 weeks old. 

 We got Mika when she was 10 weeks old.

Now I want a ragdoll kitten because apparently they just want cuddles.


  1. nice work ava,
    i like your photo's.
    next time add Scout.

    1. Hi Kaeden, I didn't have any pics of him.

  2. aww you have cute dogs for mika and pixel can you tell me were there from see if you can get information from mafily if you dont know. but good writting and how old is pixel same with arlo

    1. Thanks Rylin, Arlo is 3 Pixel is nearly 1.


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