
Thursday, October 29, 2020

Quick Write: Stowaways

                                                 Quick Write: Stowaways


One bright snowy morning three crates arrived on an island far far away into the distance. In each crate there was one frightened seal. The first one is called Jeff, the second one is called Beth and the last one is called Chef. 

Their huge bright brown eyes making them see from side to side, up and down. Their long smooth fluffy bodies taking up all the crate they couldn't move so they had to stay in one position the whole time. They have wide brown patches around their eyes making it look like they've had goggles on for too long.

They pop their fluffy heads out of their crate, and then once they know it's save to come out they do. They look to the left and then they notice each other and come scattering out and kiss each other with their long pink tongue. 

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