
Friday, October 16, 2020

Fairground Story

                                                    Here's my story called Fairground. 

I could see the bright flashing lights from a mile away, getting closer and closer. Stabbing rainbow lights were blinding me as I was heading towards the fairground. The glowing pink smoke coloured the night sky, the giant Ferris wheel spinning round and round. As I arrived I saw the excitement and amazement on peoples’ faces. The lines got longer and people started getting even more anxious. 

I heard blood curling screams, combined with loud pumping carnival music. As I walked past the water chamber I heard splashing water, joyful and terrified screams. I strided past the tank and towards the hot food stall, I heard sizzling sausages on a frying pan. 

Throughout the humongous fairground, I could smell buttery, salty chips newly out of the deep fryer. I smelt juicy, healthy burgers. I walked to the Ferris wheel and smelt fresh hotdog batter. The burning of the lights smelt disgusting. Stinky farm animals smelt wicked (not in a good way).

Yummy chocolate ice cream melted on me as I waited in the line for fizzy. Waves of fierce heat stabbed through my face, as I walked towards a scary looking spinning ride. Finally the sugar rush jolted through my body, adrenaline pumping through me. Soft seats on the sturdy metal spinney ride, and a cold bar lurched across my lap.

The taste of candy floss swirling in my mouth was to die for. Freezing fizzy trickled down the back of my throat. Fizzing pink popping candy exploded in my mouth as I ate crispy BBQ garlic bread. Seagulls were squawking near the seaside, trying to get bits of exploded popcorn. 

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