
Friday, October 30, 2020

Polar Bear Cubs


Polar Bear Cubs.

Through the cold and snowy Antarctic three polar bear cubs and a mother polar bear roam all of the East of the antarctic. The cubs do dares as they walk in the white snow. Johanna got dared to jump on top of their mother' back while she was walking and lick the back of her fur. So that's what she did. Johanna ran as fast as her little legs would cope with and then jump, mummy bear was annoyed but she didn't do anything. I think when Johanna was licking her she was warm. That dare was fun Johanna thought.


  1. Hi Ava
    Wow, that story is really good! You used great decriptive lanugae and it made the story come alive.
    Next time just make sure you re-read your writing before posting.
    From Clara.

    1. Hi Clara thanks I will remember that for next time.


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