
Wednesday, October 21, 2020

My New Puppy Mika

Yesterday evening we got a new puppy and named her Mika. She is a cross between a shi-tzu and a Pomeranian. She is as small as a kitten, but she's 10 weeks old. We had about 20 minutes to play with her and then we had to go to my mums house. I was sad to leave Mika but my dad and Suzannah said that they would keep us updated. Suzannah got her a toy that Mika loved to play with. When Mika ate her dinner I saw that the fur on her back along her spine stuck up! We have to move houses in November and so we weren't going to get the puppy till we had moved but the lady with all the puppies said Suzannah had to take her home. She slept in my dad and Suzannah's bed.  They said she slept like an angel. She is so cute. 

It was a big day for Mika. She went to work with Suzannah today. 


  1. I am so jealous Ava! She is beautiful. I can't wait for cuddles. Where does she sleep?

    1. Hi Urmi, last night she slept in my dads bed with him and Suzannah.

  2. hi Ava I am jayde I realy like your puppy

  3. Great job maybe next time put a capital letter on a beginning of a new line.


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