
Friday, October 30, 2020

Movie Recommendations.

 Movie recommendations. 

(These movies aren't in order.)

1. End Game / all the marvel movies

2. Coco 

3. Dumbo / Dumbo 2

4. The Greatest Showman

5. Mama Mia / Mama Mia 2

6. Greece

7. The Angel Has Fallen

8. Jumanji / Jumanji 2

9. Abominable

10. The Lion King

What are your favourite movie/s?


  1. Hi Ava
    Hi I really like your post about recomedid movies it is so cool. My fav movie that you have put is Greece and mine is I have no clue but maybe next time you could add some couler to the background just if you want to.

    From Angel-Mey at Yaldhurst.Modle School


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