
Monday, October 12, 2020

Quick Write: The Crazy Plane Ride

                                 The Crazy Plane Ride.

The sky is as blue as bright blue food colouring, smooth white clouds float in the sky. The white clouds are huge and tiny. I believe that the clouds in the sky are dead peoples drawings. Some clouds are just scribbles and some are dinosaur shaped clouds. 

The plane has a dark blue racing stripe straight through the middle, and a light blue is on the top of the racing stripe. The rest of the plane is as white as a brand new whiteboard and in the middle of the light blue top is a long row of about 20 window seats. On the thick plane at the end it has a tail, the tail is white and it looks a bit like a Pterodactyl! On both sides of the plane is 2 long wings. 

There were two boys, there was a boy called Joe and he was sitting on the left side of the white right wing. Joe was wearing a blue long sleeve puffer jacket and the same coloured navy blue pants. He had teeny brown laced boots and white Adidas socks. His brown hair flops on his large head. He points at everything he see's.  

Sitting next to Joe on the right side of the white right side wing is Bob he has a lighter brown coloured hair. Bob has the same puffer jacket as Joe but Bob's pants are a navy green thick instead. They also have the same sort of footwear, both sort of brown.  

1 comment:

  1. Kia ora Ava, I can imagine exactly what you have described. You have provided lots of detail in your creative writing. Awesome work.


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