
Friday, October 30, 2020

Polar Bear Cubs


Polar Bear Cubs.

Through the cold and snowy Antarctic three polar bear cubs and a mother polar bear roam all of the East of the antarctic. The cubs do dares as they walk in the white snow. Johanna got dared to jump on top of their mother' back while she was walking and lick the back of her fur. So that's what she did. Johanna ran as fast as her little legs would cope with and then jump, mummy bear was annoyed but she didn't do anything. I think when Johanna was licking her she was warm. That dare was fun Johanna thought.

My favourite movie.

I have loads of favourite movies but my absolute favourite movie is the new Lion King.

The lion names are Simba, Scar, Mufasa, Nala, Sarafina, Sarabi. The warthog in the lion king is Pumbaa. The meercat is called Timon, the bird is called Zazu, the monkey is called Rafiki. The three hyenas are called Ed, Shenzi, and Banzai.

 What is your favourite movie? Do you have more than one favourite movie? 

Movie Recommendations.

 Movie recommendations. 

(These movies aren't in order.)

1. End Game / all the marvel movies

2. Coco 

3. Dumbo / Dumbo 2

4. The Greatest Showman

5. Mama Mia / Mama Mia 2

6. Greece

7. The Angel Has Fallen

8. Jumanji / Jumanji 2

9. Abominable

10. The Lion King

What are your favourite movie/s?

Critical Thinking No.2


My Opinion To Cats Who Needs Them?:
I think cats are great pets because they are don't need help so they can just do whatever they want no hassle involved.  They are also great company especially for those who are alone. And I couldn't imagine my life without cats in them.

My Opinion To Water Worries: 
I think water is a problem but I don't think it needs to be payed for. 

Critical Thinking - Reading

Here is a Popplet stating all the facts, about The Zoo Debate. 

My Opinion To The Zoo Debate:
I think that animals should be kept in zoos because the zookeepers know what they are doing and know what the animals need. I also think that animals need the zookeepers because if the animals were in the wild that they would have a worse life and may not live as long. They know how to breed endangered animals and all animals.

Mobile Home.

                            MOBILE HOME.

A big two-story brick house connected to 4 long black wheels, and green window panelings. The house has a log fire that burns and burns until the magical family puts a spell on it. The curtains are a lime green colour with a tint of baby blue. 

In the magical family there are 5 boys a one girl. The girl isn't as magical as everyone else and her parents and brothers ignore her and blame her for everything. Their grandfather has a favorite child and it's Emily. Emily loves him so much and he lives in the same house as them which is good for Emily because he sticks up for her.

On a long dark road the carriage/house rides along the long dark road then whenever it gets 400 km away from the town 'BAM' the front wheels detach and spins rapidly off the road. Then the house/carriage drags the back half along the gravel road. 

Thursday, October 29, 2020

Dogs and puppies

 This is my dog Arlo. He has a pose, we call the pose meercat. This is Arlo when we first got him which was in Warrington.

 He is so handsome.

 This is my dog Pixel. Sometimes we call her Pixie but then my step-dad tells us off!

 This is my new, new, new puppy called Mika. She is 11 weeks old. 

 We got Mika when she was 10 weeks old.

Now I want a ragdoll kitten because apparently they just want cuddles.

Quick Write: Stowaways

                                                 Quick Write: Stowaways


One bright snowy morning three crates arrived on an island far far away into the distance. In each crate there was one frightened seal. The first one is called Jeff, the second one is called Beth and the last one is called Chef. 

Their huge bright brown eyes making them see from side to side, up and down. Their long smooth fluffy bodies taking up all the crate they couldn't move so they had to stay in one position the whole time. They have wide brown patches around their eyes making it look like they've had goggles on for too long.

They pop their fluffy heads out of their crate, and then once they know it's save to come out they do. They look to the left and then they notice each other and come scattering out and kiss each other with their long pink tongue. 

Wednesday, October 28, 2020

2D And 3D Shapes Geometry


Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Tangrams Challenge

 Today for Maths Urmi's group did a slideshow called The Great Geometry Challenge and there was a slide that you got to make a tangram. This is what I made. It's called friend.

I had to rotate all the shapes to fit into the outlines.

Friday, October 23, 2020

My Dog Pixel

 She likes to pose for photos. 

                                         My Dog Pixel

When my dog Pixel has wet fur, her fur crinkles and the fur on her ears look like dreadlocks! When I call her name she looks at me and turns her head in a questioning way. Whenever I walk up to her she wages her enormously long bushy tail and rolls onto her back. Her tail looks like a fox tail. She has a loving nature. When I throw a Frisbee she has five steps, run, jump, catch down, sprint. Her tongue is the colour of a freshly picked rose. She has blonde fur and golden coloured eyes. She loves to chew a ball. That's my dog Pixel. 

Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Ava's notes for voting

My New Puppy Mika

Yesterday evening we got a new puppy and named her Mika. She is a cross between a shi-tzu and a Pomeranian. She is as small as a kitten, but she's 10 weeks old. We had about 20 minutes to play with her and then we had to go to my mums house. I was sad to leave Mika but my dad and Suzannah said that they would keep us updated. Suzannah got her a toy that Mika loved to play with. When Mika ate her dinner I saw that the fur on her back along her spine stuck up! We have to move houses in November and so we weren't going to get the puppy till we had moved but the lady with all the puppies said Suzannah had to take her home. She slept in my dad and Suzannah's bed.  They said she slept like an angel. She is so cute. 

It was a big day for Mika. She went to work with Suzannah today. 

Friday, October 16, 2020

Fairground Story

                                                    Here's my story called Fairground. 

I could see the bright flashing lights from a mile away, getting closer and closer. Stabbing rainbow lights were blinding me as I was heading towards the fairground. The glowing pink smoke coloured the night sky, the giant Ferris wheel spinning round and round. As I arrived I saw the excitement and amazement on peoples’ faces. The lines got longer and people started getting even more anxious. 

I heard blood curling screams, combined with loud pumping carnival music. As I walked past the water chamber I heard splashing water, joyful and terrified screams. I strided past the tank and towards the hot food stall, I heard sizzling sausages on a frying pan. 

Throughout the humongous fairground, I could smell buttery, salty chips newly out of the deep fryer. I smelt juicy, healthy burgers. I walked to the Ferris wheel and smelt fresh hotdog batter. The burning of the lights smelt disgusting. Stinky farm animals smelt wicked (not in a good way).

Yummy chocolate ice cream melted on me as I waited in the line for fizzy. Waves of fierce heat stabbed through my face, as I walked towards a scary looking spinning ride. Finally the sugar rush jolted through my body, adrenaline pumping through me. Soft seats on the sturdy metal spinney ride, and a cold bar lurched across my lap.

The taste of candy floss swirling in my mouth was to die for. Freezing fizzy trickled down the back of my throat. Fizzing pink popping candy exploded in my mouth as I ate crispy BBQ garlic bread. Seagulls were squawking near the seaside, trying to get bits of exploded popcorn. 

Monday, October 12, 2020

Quick Write: The Crazy Plane Ride

                                 The Crazy Plane Ride.

The sky is as blue as bright blue food colouring, smooth white clouds float in the sky. The white clouds are huge and tiny. I believe that the clouds in the sky are dead peoples drawings. Some clouds are just scribbles and some are dinosaur shaped clouds. 

The plane has a dark blue racing stripe straight through the middle, and a light blue is on the top of the racing stripe. The rest of the plane is as white as a brand new whiteboard and in the middle of the light blue top is a long row of about 20 window seats. On the thick plane at the end it has a tail, the tail is white and it looks a bit like a Pterodactyl! On both sides of the plane is 2 long wings. 

There were two boys, there was a boy called Joe and he was sitting on the left side of the white right wing. Joe was wearing a blue long sleeve puffer jacket and the same coloured navy blue pants. He had teeny brown laced boots and white Adidas socks. His brown hair flops on his large head. He points at everything he see's.  

Sitting next to Joe on the right side of the white right side wing is Bob he has a lighter brown coloured hair. Bob has the same puffer jacket as Joe but Bob's pants are a navy green thick instead. They also have the same sort of footwear, both sort of brown.  

Thursday, October 8, 2020

The Family Performance Children's University.

For children's university there is an activity where you and a family member or in my case a friend do a performance and show your family. Here is me and Millah doing a lip sync/dance.  Hope you've enjoyed.

Sunday, October 4, 2020

My Dog Arlo

                                 My Dog Arlo

My dog Arlo has big hazel eyes. He has long beautiful eyelashes, too beautiful for a boy! His tongue is as pink as a rosy flower. His brown fur is thick and soft. He acts as though he's a meercat when he wants food. He is a lazy dog and he likes to sleep beside me when I sit on the couch. At night when it's only me he sleeps with me and lies at the end of my bed. Arlo's tail curves in like a pig's! It is long but it looks small when it's curved. When he has the zoomies his tail unravels and points out like a laser. Arlo has a mustache, it is grey and a light brown colour. At the beach my other dog is mean to him, he doesn't like to play with her at the beach but she always wants to play with him. I also have two cats who love Arlo and he likes them but sometimes they aren't in the playing mood. Arlo spends most of his days sleeping. I love my dog Arlo. 

 (The big dog here is not the one I was talking about at the beach.)
These are photos of Arlo as a puppy. 



The hotel we stayed at was called Intercontinental. 

Day 1: I flew to Wellington on a plane. We walked to the beehive which is where Jacinda Arden

goes to. Sadly we didn't see her because she is in Auckland. The tour around the beehive is so

boring. We had to drop off our jackets at the beehive and all that stuff then we had to get it so

afterwards we got the tray and took our stuff out. Then I was like where's Melby (the toy dog that

I took) and aunty Ellie asked the people where she was. They searched the other trays and

eventually found him. Then we went on the public slide then we walked somewhere for lunch,

I think it was called back benchers. Then we walked along the waterfront and went back to the

hotel. Now I'm lying in the hotel in our room (no.330) on the third floor,  on the 3rd floor there is

a pool and a sauna and hot pools. There is also a gym. The airplane ride was OK until the plane

felt like it dropped down a meter but it probably didn't and that made me feel so sick but I held it

in and then I felt sick the rest of the way which was about 2 minutes but it felt way longer.

Then we got out walked in the airport then we went outside and got on a bus, the guy who was

driving the bus was nice and we were driving along and then we started to walk down the aisle

in the bus to the front because it was our stop then the guy said he had forgotten to stop and

so we missed our stop and then we had to walk to the hotel and drop off our bags then stroll

through the streets and to the beehive and parliament. We went out for dinner and had a swim

in the hotel pool - it was very deep.

Day 2: We had a buffet breakfast. We went to Te Papa. We went into the earthquake house.

We also saw some cool tattoos but in weird places - butts! It was on the fourth floor. And we

thought grandma had got lost in the Gallipoli area because she took so long! Then we went

up the cable car. We went into the cable car and some people pushed in front of us so then

we didn’t get a seat and then we went down to the end of the cable car and aunty Ellie had to

stand but then some people gave me and grandma their seats. We went uphill and saw some

cool lights in the tunnel. Some were disco lights and some were just really bright colourful lights.

Once we got to the top we walked around to where all the good views are and we waited for the

cable car to come down again. While we were waiting this lady came and started talking to us and

then she just stopped talking and we all waited for the cable car to come down. I had my tablet on

the rail and then the cable car whooshed down the tracks and I took a photo and the lady shouted

“take one, another one, now!” but my tablet wasn’t that fast and the lady said “oh too slow”, meanly.

Then we went to the cable car museum and I jumped into the front seat of the cable car.

I got some gifts for my sister and my mum and Steve. Once we had finished in the cable

car museum, we walked down through the gardens. I closed my eyes and aunty Ellie led me

down the steep path. We had dinner at the crab shack. We went swimming in the pool at eight


Day 3: We did a harbour cruise. It went to Some’s Bay and it went to somewhere else as well.

It was probably pretty quick but it felt like really long. And we got off the boat and then we went

to the zoo. My favourite was the tiger because it heard the keeper and I didn’t hear it and then

the keeper threw some meat and the tiger ran and ripped it to shreds. I asked if we could try the

gym, my grandma said “Not me.” So me and my aunty went together. We tried the treadmill my

highest was 15km/per hour, I did stretches and tried a rowing thing and leg mussel thing.

We went out for dinner at Two Greys. 

Day 4: We had to leave the hotel after breakfast. We took the bus to the airport. When we got to

the airport in the bus we took out all our bags from the bus and went inside the airport. The flight

was scary, I had to hold my aunty’s hand. On the flight to and from Wellington we had to wear

facemasks. I had a great trip but I was happy to be home.