
Friday, August 28, 2020

Would You Rather vol.2

                                         Would You Rather vol.2

1) Would you rather live on a boat or live in a plane?

2) Would you rather wear a dress everyday or wear shorts and a baggy T-shirt everyday?

3) Would you rather have 5 cats/kittens or have 5 dogs/puppies?

4) Would you rather have a giant T.V or have no T.V but be fit and active?

5) Would you rather have a boy baby or have a girl baby?

6) Would you rather be the best baker in the world or be the best gamer in the world?

7) Would you rather win lotto or have a race car and a mansion?

8) Would you rather be sunburnt everywhere or have a bob cut and be bullied?

9) Would you rather live on an island or live in the city?

10) Would you rather have a car or have a private bus?


  1. Hi Ava,
    I love would you rather. maybe next time you could make a bit more sense. But everything is great.

  2. Hi Lucy, I'll put that in mind next time. Thank you.

  3. Kia Ora Ava
    How is your day going so far?
    1:I would rather live on a plane.
    2:I would rather wear a dress everyday.
    3:I would rather have 5 dogs/puppys.
    4: I would rather have a giant T.V.
    5: I would rather have a baby girl.
    6: I would rather be the best gamer in the world?
    7: I would rather have a race car and a mansion?
    8: I would rather be sunburnt everywhere
    9: I would rather live in the city
    10: I would rather have a car

    Let me know if you agree with me?

    I liked the way you put them in order.
    You brought me back to when i did something like this sometime last year.
    How come you decided to do this blog post?



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