
Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Quick Write Clock Tower.

                  Festive London Clock Tower

I was laying with my siblings at the festival in London and then there was a drone invasion. All the drones were different sizes and colours. First Mary got taken and then all of the others including me. My eardrums felt like they were going to burst but that was the least of my problems. The golden drone that was carrying me by my green quicksilver top drove me past the brown lit up clock tower. I quickly thought this is going to be my way out (off). I grabbed hold of the dark grey dragon sculpture and tried pulling my weight up but my grip wasn't strong enough and I slipped. I fell down, down, down I go into the purply sea. I belly-flopped and my stomach hurt, and I felt dizzy. I flopped out of the sea. I was so scared. I knew I had to get everyone else to safety but I was too sore.


  1. hi Ava i love the way you described the story. From Aria:D

  2. hi Ava i love the way you described the story. from Aria:D

  3. hi Ava i love the way you described your story. from Aria

  4. :O wow Ava i love the way you described the story. from Aria:D


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