
Thursday, August 6, 2020

Maths Measurements.

Today for Maths Lisa-Maree was teaching us and we started to measure our feet and how tall we are. Here's the word problem. Brooke said "You are as tall as 5 and a half of your feet." Is this true? I think no because a foot isn't an accurate measurement and everyone's feet are different sizes. My foot is 22.5 cm long. Then we had to work out our measurement times 5.5. We used a calculator. So mine was 22.5 x 5.5 = 123.75 cm tall only if Brooke's statement was correct. If I measure myself with a meter ruler or a tape measure I am 146.5 cm tall. This proves that Brooke's statement was false.
How tall are you?


  1. hi ava, i like your EXACT measurement next time could you make it bigger

  2. Thank you for commenting on my blog, I will do that next time.


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