
Friday, August 7, 2020

Quick Write Giraffe Up A Tree?

                    Giraffe Up A Tree?

A giraffe up a tree, you may think giraffes cannot climb tree's well the truth is they can if they are scared! Here's what happened... Scary lions came chasing after me, I felt my legs could not carry my chunky body. I ran faster than I've ever ran before. I think I just made it but then I had to pee. I was too scared so I did it while I ran. The great big thiefs still chased after me though. I saw a skinny tree with no leafs this is my chance I thought. I circled the tree then quickly clambered up the tree. They kept calling me names trying to get me to come down, I didn't. Then I shouted "I'M TOO CHUNKY YOU WON'T LIKE ME!" It was so high pitched they took 1 step back and then all tried to push down the tree. The leader of the pride said back "The chunkier the better." In the end they didn't get me and I ran away.


  1. Ha ha, I love it! I love that word clambered. When I was reading it I thought the lions would love a chunky giraffe, more meat! And then as I read on, I read that they did! Mum

  2. Hi mum, thanks for commenting on my blog. I tried to make it funny! My friend Tara laughed when I read it to her.


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