
Friday, August 7, 2020

My Letter From The Prime Minister.

A few weeks ago I sent a letter to the prime minister this is what I said...

I got the reply saying...

I am very happy and glad she had the time to reply. You should try.  


  1. Hi Ava!!! It was an awesome idea to write to the prime minister!! Is there a reason you sent her this? How long did it take for the prime minister to reply? Awesome work!!! :) :)


  2. hi Ava, wow that looks so cool i wonder if i could try. from Aria:D

  3. Hi Mikaela and Aria, I sent her this because I just loved her work so much, it took a few weeks I think. Aria you should try!

  4. Hi Ava, I am very jealous that you have a letter from the Prime Minister. I agree that she has done an amazing job, so decisive but caring. What have you done with the letter now?

  5. Hi Urmi, I have it up on my toy shelf for safe keeping's.


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