
Thursday, August 27, 2020

Would You Rather

 Would you rather:                      

1) Drop a kitten or drop the latest iPhone?      

2) Be poor and have loads of friends or be rich and have none?

3) Drink juice for the rest of your life of drink coke for the rest of your life? 

4) Eat hot food for the rest of your life or eat cold food for the rest of your life?

5) Be Tik Tok famous or be Roblox famous?

6) Life be freezing or life be so hot? So if life was hot you could stay in a swimming pool forever, or if it was freezing you could stay in a spa forever. Or something.

7) Be a Prime Minister or be a Mayor?

8) Have a dog or have a cat?

9) Be a Police or be a Fireman/Firegirl?

10) Eat fruit or eat sweets?

11) Have an iPad or have a Chromebook/laptop?

12) Be a lawyer or be a doctor?

13) Have a Ford or have a Nissan?

14) Be a mum or be a dad?

15) Be a teenager or be a toddler?

16) Have long hair or have short hair (a bob cut)?

17) Be on a talk show on T.V or be a scaredy cat?

18) Be a Titan or be a Ninja?

19) Be a DJ or a teacher?

20) Have a motorbike or a race car?

Write what you would rather in the comments.


  1. Hi Ava I'm charlie from your class and a differently would Be tiktok famous and have a Dog. it is like a show because it so hard to choose.

  2. Hi Ava I like your blog post I would rather drop the latest Iphone instead of a kitten.
    Next time you could write your answers for some of them.

  3. Hi Charlie, thank you.

  4. Hi Aaliyah, so would I. That is actually a blog i'm starting. Thank you


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