
Thursday, August 13, 2020

Sphero Blog Post

For CRT Elizabeth took us into the library and we had to create a ramp that could hold a sphero and make it jump far. It was extremely hard to guide the sphero up the ramp. I worked with Paige. We had to create a ramp that could hold a sphero and make it fly. 

The challenge was to make the sphero fly as far as you can. Our ramp was too weak and whenever the sphero went fast the ramp collapsed. We had to make the cardboard shaped as a skateboard ramp and tape it all together and if we wanted to we could graffiti it. 

Me and Paige decided to.We had to keep making changes because the structure kept on falling over or was too steep or the sphero missed the ramp.We had to change how steep it was or add more tape. Our sphero travelled 16 cm away from the end of our ramp.The width was 41 cm and the height was 29 cm. Have you ever made a ramp for a sphero?


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