
Friday, August 14, 2020

Quick Write Under The Sea

                          Under The Sea

Wow. Pink, purple, yellow, red, blue, green all the colours in the world are under the sea. There is even a sunken ship and beds of coral surrounding us. There are stingrays, octi, dolphins, starfish, flounder, sharks all the underwater animals are under the sea. The golden sun sparkling glamorously on top of the blue sea. Now I see it, the golden treasure falling down from the ship. What is this? It's gold, round and shiny. Oh no, I said "shiny" now the massive crab is gonna sing again. The purple rainbow crab hurries out of his house and says "Did I hear SHINY?" Then he starts to sing and dance "So shiny.........." Everyone says "Oh Liliana." why did I say shi... no, I won't make him start again. So I'll be calling the word... 'The word!' The crab's song finally ends yay we're free! Everyone hurries away never to be disturbed again! Until now......


  1. I love the story Ava, ka pai. You have a very good imagination. For next time, try not to write in all capitals, that way we can see if you are getting all your Capital letters in the right place etc. Well done.

    1. It changes the font on my blog, but I'll try to change it.

    2. I have fixed it for you Ava. It is because you had written under Heading instead of paragraph.


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