
Monday, August 3, 2020

Tic Tac Toe Basketball

                           Tic Tac Toe Basketball

For Monday Mash Up Urmi's group learnt and played a new game called Tic Tac Toe Basketball. What you have to do is try to get the ball into the hoop. If you miss the hoop then you go to the back of the line. If you get the ball in the hoop then you sprint to the naughts and crosses chalk board and put a bib into one of the squares. When you get three in a row or diagonal then your team wins and you take all of the bibs out and restart. If you get blocked and none of you can win restart the game. 

In my group was Samuel, Endreyos, Kora, Everley and D'lonte.
Have you ever played Tic Tac Toe Basketball?

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