
Monday, September 27, 2021

The Wedding

On Saturday my uncle got married to Elizabeth. Me and Maia were bridesmaids, and had to make sure Elizabeth's vail was out of the way, and hold her flowers as well as our own. 

Elizabeth is pregnant with a girl. They were trying to come up with some names, but since Elizabeth is Chinese it was hard for her to try and find English names. But she came up with a few like Dora! And Adora. Lately she's been coming up with made up names this one is a mix of Richard, and Elizabeth. Ezraiy (I have no idea how it was spelt!)

Steve was the photographer and we went to the groynes to take photos. For dinner we went to the old vicarage. I enjoyed it but it was exhausting. 

These are some photos of the exciting event.

  This was after.
 This was starting the ceremony.
 This was after dinner, at the old vicarage.
 In between.

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