
Monday, September 27, 2021

The Killer Cat

A few weeks ago my cat, Lacey was peacefully sleeping on my bed. We took the dogs for a walk and when we got back the dogs ran straight into my room, I thought that was strange. I was a bit angry at them because they tipped over my rubbish bin. Then I noticed a red looking thing on the ground, I looked closer and realized that it was a mouse head.  :(

Later that evening I was about to go to bed when I saw a massive spider on my bedroom roof. It was a white tail, Lacey was just sleeping on my bed again. Then me and mum caught it and sprayed it with fly spray. Then chucked it outside. I was getting into my pajamas and then looked at my pink rug, there was some sort of fluff on it, I was about to pick it up but then it turned out to be another mouse head. I screamed and slept in Kaeden's room. But then he snored so much I couldn't get to sleep so carefully went back to my room.

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