
Tuesday, September 7, 2021

Kaeden's Birthday Cake + More.

 Kaeden's birthday was on Saturday but he wasn't here so we had his party with us on Sunday. I got him a Yulu Helix game. This is a photo of the game.

Mum and Steve gave him a brand new iPhone, and case, TNT (candies), Kit Kat chocolate. Maia gave him a tennis game that you can play with 1 or more people. This is the game...

Me and mum made him a cake in the morning when Steve was asleep, and Kaeden, and Maia weren't here. But when Steve woke up he had breakfast and went out somewhere. 

He sent a message to mum later and said "I just bought this cookies and cream cake for Kaeden!!" Mum replied with "Me and Ava already made one this morning!" He said "Oh, crap!" 

But we ate the cookies and cream cake with Kaeden and Maia later on while watching the new Suicide Squad. I liked the movie, but it was very gruesome, and had swearing. But also it was very funny. My favourite character was the weasel, because he looked weird!

Today me and Maia decorated the cake and it looked really yum. We are eating it tonight, while watching Celebrity treasure island. My favourite team is the Jokers, they are funny.

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