
Thursday, September 30, 2021

Our Astronaut Helmets

Maea, Tara, Breanna and I are making astronaut helmets out of paper mache. 

We got some balloons from Sharon, and started blowing them up, and mache-ing them. 

I enjoy making them, but we won't get everything done until next term.

 Breanna had to restart 4 times because either her balloon disappeared / popped, or had a hole in it. Tara's popped once and Maea's and mine haven't popped YET. 

Maea decided that we should team up with Camryn and Mikaela because they're making a space station, so she asked them and they said yes. 

Our logo for the suit and helmet is purple, pink, black, and blue. This is an image of the design of the suits, and logo.

We are called the ABC astronauts, it stands for:

Our helmets are going to be the colour we chose to put on our logo. So mine would be fully purple, Breanna's would be pink, Maea's blue, Tara's black. Then we would have the logo on the side along with ABC in white. 
We definitely won't be able to finish the suits before next term, and the interview with Mikaela and Camryn.

At the start of term 4 we will be going to camp for 3 days so we won't be able to do any then but we can do it when we get back.


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