
Wednesday, September 22, 2021

1/10 Fractions

 These are my answers for day 1 fractions. I found it very easy, I think they are all right.


1/10 of 20=2

1/10 of 100=10

1/10 of 40=4

1/10 of 120=12

1/10 of 50=5

1/10 of 30=3

1/10 of 90=9

1/10 of 80=8

1/10 of 60=6

1/10 of 70=7


1/10 of 200=20

1/10 of 1000=100

1/10 of 140=14

1/10 of 250=25

1/10 of 150=15

1/10 of 130=13

1/10 of 190=19

1/10 of 180=18

1/10 of 160=16

1/10 of 270=27

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