
Friday, September 3, 2021

Fruit And Veges

 This is a GIF of my favourite fruit and veges.



  1. Hi Ava, That was a great way of showing us what you enjoy. By the looks of things you really enjoy all the beautiful summer fruits and berries, I'm with you so do I. Theres nothing nicer than going out to the garden and picking a nice piece of fresh fruit or vegetables yummy! Have you ever gone through the red zone over summer? There are a lot of fruit trees oh yeah and grape vines the fruit just goes to waste its certainly worth going for a bike ride or walk. Thanks for sharing your slide show I'm really looking forward to all that delicious summer fruit now I've seen that.

    1. Hi Ali, I have walked through the red zone in summer, my mum says that there are the yummiest apricots there. There were heaps of pears there this year, I don't like pears. As I was inserting the images I was really wanting some of the fruits!



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