
Friday, September 10, 2021

Fractions Day 1 And 2


These are my answers

Arranging fractions in order and using greater than/less than symbols.

Example 1. 

1/6<2/6<3/6<4/6 < 5/6

  1. Arrange the above fractions with the smallest on the left and the greatest on the right. Put greater than/less than symbols between each one.

Sample answer

1/6<2/6 < 3/6< 4/6< 5/6

Now try these on your own : Rearrange these from smallest to greatest, and put greater than less than symbols between them

      14  <  2/4 <34 

2.   < 2/8 < 6/8 < ⅞  

3.   110<  310 < 610  <  710    

Stage 2

What to do: After watching the video here see if you can work out how to put these fractions in order from smallest to biggest.

Tip: Imagine them as parts of pizzas or fraction strips.

  1.    ⅛  ¼   ½  

  1.  ⅓   ¾    ½    

  1.   1/7 4/8 ⅚   

  1.  ⅗   ⅓  9/10

  1.  ⅛   3/10  3/6 

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