
Thursday, September 30, 2021

Our Astronaut Helmets

Maea, Tara, Breanna and I are making astronaut helmets out of paper mache. 

We got some balloons from Sharon, and started blowing them up, and mache-ing them. 

I enjoy making them, but we won't get everything done until next term.

 Breanna had to restart 4 times because either her balloon disappeared / popped, or had a hole in it. Tara's popped once and Maea's and mine haven't popped YET. 

Maea decided that we should team up with Camryn and Mikaela because they're making a space station, so she asked them and they said yes. 

Our logo for the suit and helmet is purple, pink, black, and blue. This is an image of the design of the suits, and logo.

We are called the ABC astronauts, it stands for:

Our helmets are going to be the colour we chose to put on our logo. So mine would be fully purple, Breanna's would be pink, Maea's blue, Tara's black. Then we would have the logo on the side along with ABC in white. 
We definitely won't be able to finish the suits before next term, and the interview with Mikaela and Camryn.

At the start of term 4 we will be going to camp for 3 days so we won't be able to do any then but we can do it when we get back.


Monday, September 27, 2021

The Wedding

On Saturday my uncle got married to Elizabeth. Me and Maia were bridesmaids, and had to make sure Elizabeth's vail was out of the way, and hold her flowers as well as our own. 

Elizabeth is pregnant with a girl. They were trying to come up with some names, but since Elizabeth is Chinese it was hard for her to try and find English names. But she came up with a few like Dora! And Adora. Lately she's been coming up with made up names this one is a mix of Richard, and Elizabeth. Ezraiy (I have no idea how it was spelt!)

Steve was the photographer and we went to the groynes to take photos. For dinner we went to the old vicarage. I enjoyed it but it was exhausting. 

These are some photos of the exciting event.

  This was after.
 This was starting the ceremony.
 This was after dinner, at the old vicarage.
 In between.

The Killer Cat

A few weeks ago my cat, Lacey was peacefully sleeping on my bed. We took the dogs for a walk and when we got back the dogs ran straight into my room, I thought that was strange. I was a bit angry at them because they tipped over my rubbish bin. Then I noticed a red looking thing on the ground, I looked closer and realized that it was a mouse head.  :(

Later that evening I was about to go to bed when I saw a massive spider on my bedroom roof. It was a white tail, Lacey was just sleeping on my bed again. Then me and mum caught it and sprayed it with fly spray. Then chucked it outside. I was getting into my pajamas and then looked at my pink rug, there was some sort of fluff on it, I was about to pick it up but then it turned out to be another mouse head. I screamed and slept in Kaeden's room. But then he snored so much I couldn't get to sleep so carefully went back to my room.

Wednesday, September 22, 2021

Mars Astronaut Suit

Maea designed this astronaut suit for Mars. She didn't say what it needs to have but at least it has our logo. 

The problem we have is that we need to make it able to be walked on on Mars, because Mars has toxic soil, and if the suit breaks then it would get onto skin, and kill people/animals. 

The research behind this is that the suits have aluminum, and instead of that we will be using tinfoil. The proper suit is made out of other materials we can't get so will probably be using other materials...

1/10 Fractions

 These are my answers for day 1 fractions. I found it very easy, I think they are all right.


1/10 of 20=2

1/10 of 100=10

1/10 of 40=4

1/10 of 120=12

1/10 of 50=5

1/10 of 30=3

1/10 of 90=9

1/10 of 80=8

1/10 of 60=6

1/10 of 70=7


1/10 of 200=20

1/10 of 1000=100

1/10 of 140=14

1/10 of 250=25

1/10 of 150=15

1/10 of 130=13

1/10 of 190=19

1/10 of 180=18

1/10 of 160=16

1/10 of 270=27

Tuesday, September 21, 2021

Who should go to Camp?

 Everyone should go to school camp, agree or disagree, make an article/essay/speech.

I disagree with this because I don’t think everyone should go to camp. I believe that it would be letting the naughty kids get something good for being bad, so only the good people should go to camp.

Where Would we go to camp, anywhere in NZ?

 If we could go on a camp anywhere in NZ, where would we go and why?

I think it would be cool to go camping in Queenstown. Because there are heaps to do e.g gondola, jet boating, rafting, skiing, kayaking, paddle boarding, luge. 

Design the Ultimate School Campground.

 Design the ultimate school campground - what would you include and why?

I think there needs to be stuff to do… To keep occupied 

A pool, a big area to play, animals, kayaking, surfing, activities, playground, sand pit, cooking, snorkeling, zip lining, hydro slide…

Big cabins, to have big friend groups.

Medium sized kitchen/dining, so then can do groups at a time.

Monday, September 20, 2021

How to Make a Good Infographic

 This is some stuff that an infographic needs.

Friday, September 17, 2021

Kia Kaha

 Tangaroa and Ata Hapara all went into the amphitheater and shouted Kia kaha.

Wednesday, September 15, 2021

How to find a fraction of a Number

2/3 of 12=8

Step 1. First you divide by the denominator. (For this one it would be 3).

Step 2. Multiply by the numerator. (So 2).

Now what you do is mark 1111 1111 1111 three groups and keep counting one mark in each box until you get to 12. Then when you get the answer so 4. Divide 4 by 2 = so it's 8. The answer is 8.

My (Alien) Pet

Charlotte commented on my story and added some helpful comments. This is what she said...
Paragraphs = perfect
Lots of punctuation. All in the right places, lots of ...'s in dramatic places, But i'm not sure if you need the ... after; I spy mum in the kitchen and she said angrily... I don't think you need them there. 4/5.
Your spelling is really good. through is a hard word to spell so it is good that you are able to spell it. I haven't seen any spelling mistakes, so 3/3
Grammar perfect 2/2
I like your choice of words, they make it interesting to read. If you finish this story you could definitely post it to your blog, you would get a lot of comets and views.
8/10 for the descriptive writing. If you add just a little bit more descriptive words then it would be a 10/10

 (Dedicated to addicted Steve!)

An ordinary day playing VR…

I strolled through Corny Complex, Dr Slone, Clones shooting at me. I crouched to get under the vent and then an alien nanite appeared. I ran away, not wanting superpowers, the alien followed me. 

The End…

I took off the Virtual Reality goggles, and walked away when there’s a ‘quir quir.’ I looked around and the same purple alien nanite in the game was there. This is strange I thought, it should be in the game. I walked out the door and slammed it shut. I turned around thinking maybe I should’ve taken it home. I turned around again and then noticed that it was there. I looked at the door and it was shut.

How did it get through?  

Quir, Quir

“Ok I have to go to school but you stay quiet, don’t make a sound or else mum will know you're here.” I say. The alien makes a weird, and quiet noise “quir quir.” I think that means OK. 

Back from school…

As I stepped on the green welcome mat in my house I shouted “I’m home!” I spied mum in the kitchen and she said fiercely: “You need to clean your room, it’s extremely messy. I told you to clean it yesterday.” “I thought I did.” I said. And then I remembered… Oh the mysterious ‘alien’ must’ve messed it up. 

Monday, September 13, 2021



Mars Infographic

This is my information on who and what I would take to Mars.

This is an image of Mars.


The New Home

Two questions I have are: When we move to mars, how would we get lots of water. And also where would people land in Earth and Mars?

In my group is Tara, Breanna, Maea, and I.

A link I found that I think will be helpful is A Mars Website.

We are going to make a astronaut suit, and make a movie advertising them.

Monday Maori

 He aha tēnei?

What is this?

He ... tēnei.

This is a ...









Pene rākau




Friday, September 10, 2021

Fractions Part of Day 3


Fractions Day 1 And 2


These are my answers

Arranging fractions in order and using greater than/less than symbols.

Example 1. 

1/6<2/6<3/6<4/6 < 5/6

  1. Arrange the above fractions with the smallest on the left and the greatest on the right. Put greater than/less than symbols between each one.

Sample answer

1/6<2/6 < 3/6< 4/6< 5/6

Now try these on your own : Rearrange these from smallest to greatest, and put greater than less than symbols between them

      14  <  2/4 <34 

2.   < 2/8 < 6/8 < ⅞  

3.   110<  310 < 610  <  710    

Stage 2

What to do: After watching the video here see if you can work out how to put these fractions in order from smallest to biggest.

Tip: Imagine them as parts of pizzas or fraction strips.

  1.    ⅛  ¼   ½  

  1.  ⅓   ¾    ½    

  1.   1/7 4/8 ⅚   

  1.  ⅗   ⅓  9/10

  1.  ⅛   3/10  3/6 

Tuesday, September 7, 2021

Kaeden's Birthday Cake + More.

 Kaeden's birthday was on Saturday but he wasn't here so we had his party with us on Sunday. I got him a Yulu Helix game. This is a photo of the game.

Mum and Steve gave him a brand new iPhone, and case, TNT (candies), Kit Kat chocolate. Maia gave him a tennis game that you can play with 1 or more people. This is the game...

Me and mum made him a cake in the morning when Steve was asleep, and Kaeden, and Maia weren't here. But when Steve woke up he had breakfast and went out somewhere. 

He sent a message to mum later and said "I just bought this cookies and cream cake for Kaeden!!" Mum replied with "Me and Ava already made one this morning!" He said "Oh, crap!" 

But we ate the cookies and cream cake with Kaeden and Maia later on while watching the new Suicide Squad. I liked the movie, but it was very gruesome, and had swearing. But also it was very funny. My favourite character was the weasel, because he looked weird!

Today me and Maia decorated the cake and it looked really yum. We are eating it tonight, while watching Celebrity treasure island. My favourite team is the Jokers, they are funny.

Animal Crossing Poem

 This is my animal crossing poem. Inspiration from this image.

Happy Hedgehogs Hibernating. 
Rocky Roots Race Rapidly Round Rabbit Racecourses. 
Spiny Spearing Sparkly Spikes.

Monday, September 6, 2021

Daisy Chain.


Today we went for a walk and took my welsh-springer spaniel x white Swiss Shepard, and Shi-Tzu. We walked to QE11 and back. Me and Maia picked heaps of Daisy's to make a daisy chain. We would have picked more but Pixel (welsh-springer spaniel x) was demanding, and so we had to leave. When we got back Kaeden was feeling dramatic (!!) so he had ice cream, which Maia got annoyed about so she went to her bedroom. But I went outside and made a long Daisy Chain. Here is me and Maia's Daisy Chain.

Friday, September 3, 2021

Fruit And Veges

 This is a GIF of my favourite fruit and veges.


Bubble Photography 2021 Challenge.

 I took these photos and made a pic collage.

Science Badge #4

 This is my GIF of how seasons are caused.


Science Badge Activities #3

 This is my canva presentation of how day and night is created.

Science Badge Activities #2

 Planet names and symbols...

What to do: research how planets got their names and find out what symbols they have been given over time. (only choose 1).

Mercury: messenger for their gods - moves quickly around the sun.

Venus: Roman goddess of love and beauty.

Earth: English/German name which means the ground. (only planet not from Greek/Roman language)

Mars: Roman god of war- red like blood.

Jupiter: king of the ancient Roman gods - biggest planet

Saturn: Roman god of agriculture and wealth

Uranus: Greek god of the sky

Neptune: Roman god of the sea

Thursday, September 2, 2021

CUA Ideal bedroom.

 This is my ideal bedroom.

Here is my ideal bedroom. Features…

  • Rugs

  • Bed

  • Netting

  • Drawers

  • Chair

  • Desk

  • Books

  • Puppies

  • Toys

  • Storage

  • Wardrobe

  • Bathroom 

  • Loads of space

  • TV

  • Xbox

  • Table 

This is a photo of my sketch of it. 

CUA Badge Challenge

For CUA there is a challenge to find as many words as you can from: bring on the holidays. These are the words I found…(excluding separating the words.)

Ring, no, he, she, say, day, days, big, bin, holy, said, lid, lids, hair, hairs, oh, aid, rig, lay, lays, log, logs, sad, none, loner, lone, ray, rays, hay, she’s, he’s, his, her, sibling, then, than, not, noisy, las, hi, dial, dials, tail, tails, sail, nail, nails, hola, binge, hinge, die, dye, sigh, sign, sing, slid, slides, ting.

CUA Knots

 I made a length of ribbon have three types of knots. The types were a reef knot, single knot, and a double knot. I didn’t know how to do a reef knot but soon realised that it was really simple! Here’s a photo of my creation.

CUA Pencil Sharpener And Rubber Holder.

 I made this rubber and sharpener holder. It was supposed to be a pen/pencil holder but the tin wasn’t big enough. It is card themed. Here is my holder.

I traced the king and ace. Then drew all the shapes on the cards.

Here is the paper out of the container...

Science Badge Activities # 1

These were the instructions.









What planets are classified as 'gas giant', 'rocky planets; and 'ice giant'.

The planet/s that is gas giant is: Neptune, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus

The planet/s that is rocky planets is: Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars

The planet/s that is ice giant is: Uranus and Neptune