
Friday, August 28, 2020

Would You Rather vol.2

                                         Would You Rather vol.2

1) Would you rather live on a boat or live in a plane?

2) Would you rather wear a dress everyday or wear shorts and a baggy T-shirt everyday?

3) Would you rather have 5 cats/kittens or have 5 dogs/puppies?

4) Would you rather have a giant T.V or have no T.V but be fit and active?

5) Would you rather have a boy baby or have a girl baby?

6) Would you rather be the best baker in the world or be the best gamer in the world?

7) Would you rather win lotto or have a race car and a mansion?

8) Would you rather be sunburnt everywhere or have a bob cut and be bullied?

9) Would you rather live on an island or live in the city?

10) Would you rather have a car or have a private bus?

Thursday, August 27, 2020

Would You Rather

 Would you rather:                      

1) Drop a kitten or drop the latest iPhone?      

2) Be poor and have loads of friends or be rich and have none?

3) Drink juice for the rest of your life of drink coke for the rest of your life? 

4) Eat hot food for the rest of your life or eat cold food for the rest of your life?

5) Be Tik Tok famous or be Roblox famous?

6) Life be freezing or life be so hot? So if life was hot you could stay in a swimming pool forever, or if it was freezing you could stay in a spa forever. Or something.

7) Be a Prime Minister or be a Mayor?

8) Have a dog or have a cat?

9) Be a Police or be a Fireman/Firegirl?

10) Eat fruit or eat sweets?

11) Have an iPad or have a Chromebook/laptop?

12) Be a lawyer or be a doctor?

13) Have a Ford or have a Nissan?

14) Be a mum or be a dad?

15) Be a teenager or be a toddler?

16) Have long hair or have short hair (a bob cut)?

17) Be on a talk show on T.V or be a scaredy cat?

18) Be a Titan or be a Ninja?

19) Be a DJ or a teacher?

20) Have a motorbike or a race car?

Write what you would rather in the comments.

Home? A Fiction story

Home? A fiction story...

13 Best Triplets Photography images | Triplets photography, Triplets, Newborn  triplets

One horrible rainy day 3 triplets were born. They were named Evan, Eva and Evelyn. A few weeks after they were born a hurricane came and swept up everything in its path. Their mum and dad decided it was best to leave them on the doorstep of a foster home because they had to save themselves and thought they couldn't look after them as well. The foster home was called ‘The Great Escape’. The parents put them carefully on the ground and kissed their foreheads, then ran until they could no more. The night turned dark and started to rumble. The doorstep turned stone hard and freezing cold to lie on. The blanket started to fade colour and rip because they were all trying to hog it. Before the blanket was blue and bright but now it's grey and cold, wet as well. Eventually in the morning the giant oak door opened into a massive hallway. Kids all shapes and sizes all running around chasing after each other. We got lifted into someone's arms and started shivering. It was not very pleasant in her arms; they were too bony and we desperately wanted milk. The crooked old lady heaved us into the baby department. A nice looking lady cradled us one by one and fed us lovely warm milk from a bottle. She told us that her name was Lily. We loved her as if she was truly our mum. As days passed we started to get bigger and bigger until we were 3. When we were three Lily told us that we would be going into craft class and that she herself was the teacher. We were super excited but got told off for bouncing too much.  That cold night in our iron cribs we couldn’t help thinking what it would be like to have a mother and father to play and laugh with, Lily was fantastic but we want one of her to be our own. “Yay, craft class today!” Evelyn whispers quietly through her crib sides. “I forgot about that, today’s gonna be the best!” Evan said… He jinxed us, he always does. It.Was.The.Worst.Day.Ever. So first we got dressed and I (Eva) accidentally wore Evan’s gross never-been-washed-socks. I didn’t notice until we were in the eating room. I whispered to Evan “I think I’m wearing your stinky socks.” He replied with “Let’s swap under the table.” So we did, we swapped and at some point I almost fell backwards because I was pulling so hard. And then I did fall back whilst laughing and snorting because Evan said “nom, nom.” while he was eating! I got told off and told I couldn’t attend craft class and I had to tidy up after everyone had finished eating. 

Then long days passed and we got older and taller once again. 2 years later… We're 5! Oh no it's the worst part of Saturday, the possibility of getting adopted. We all have to go to a big church and then play normally. The adopters look around and see if they would like any, if they do then they have to pay thousands of dollars to get them. A family of nice looking people kept staring at us - I realized that it was three families - we just sat there not knowing what to do. After some time they all started to wander off towards the reception. Oh no this cannot be good. What if we all go to different homes, I cannot live without my siblings. One person started to carry Evelyn then another one roughly picked me and Evan up. "NO! I don't wanna go away from Evelyn or Evan." I scream. No one listened. One family took me home and their home looked like a grand palace. I loved it so much but there's something missing... There is no love, no real connection. I need Evelyn and Evan.

5 years later... I am ten and so are Evan and Evelyn. I have a big breakfast: pancakes and strawberries,blackberries and raspberries. I have never had this sort of breakfast on any other birthdays? I wonder what we're gonna do today. We all get in the car and drive back past familiar farms and houses I see two other cars fill in behind our Honda as we drive further along. They both look like crap cars. We eventually drive up the driveway of a extremely familiar looking place. "Oh no we're not" I say. I get no reply. The great big car goes completely silent again. I see the 2 cars behind us; they look like they’re following us. I finally realize that I'm going back to the foundling house. I break the silence once more..."Is Evan and Evelyn coming too?" I ask politely. "Why of course they are. We wouldn't be coming here if  they weren't coming." My foster mother replies with. But I see her smirk to father. Maybe they don't like me, that's why their taking me here? But if I meet up with Evan and Evelyn then that's all I need.  I would rather be with Evan and Evelyn than these crazy morons. They have looked after me for ages and I appreciate that but I’ve never felt like it’s been ‘home’. Home would be with Evan and Evelyn and parents that really care for us. We arrive at the foundling hospital - hopefully for the last time and I jump excitedly out of the car and run to the two other cars. It’s Evan and Evelyn! “Ahhh! We’re here all of us! I missed you soooooooooo much, OMG. I love you, I love you, I love you!” I say as happy as can be. “ EVA! HI EVA, Is it really you?!” Evelyn asks. “Of course it is dofus! Touch me if you don’t believe me!” For some reason Evan is quiet not saying a word, oh well I’ll sort it out later. Evelyn gently pokes me in the arm. “It is you!” Evelyn cries! “I’ve missed you soooooooooo much more than you missed me.” Our foster parents shoo us inside and Evan quietly tip-toes behind us. “ Hi Evan.” I say to try to break the excited silence. “Hi?” Evan whispers so quietly I can barely hear him he’s so quiet. “GROUP HUG!” Evelyn says. I squish everyone with my massive hug. Evan looks so very uncomfortable. I decide to break it up and give him a separate hug, I wink at Evelyn so she knows I’m not being mean. We find Lily and she is very excited to tell us... “OMG IT’S THE TRIPLETS! I have amazing news to tell you 3 amazing news and 1 bad news. Do you want to hear?” “Oh lily, of course we do!” Evan says. “Okay, so I found a boyfriend his name is John and he’s the sweetest. And the bad news is I can’t have babies. But the other two good news are I am moving up a level in my job, and I’M ADOPTING YOU THREE!” “OH MY GOSH YOU'RE KIDDING?” We all say in union. “Of course I would never joke about that stuff.” 


Friday, August 21, 2020

Banana Poetry

                            Banana poem

As yellow as Homer Simpson 

 Chubby and bunched       
Banana's breath is as delicious 

As roasted marshmallows 

Over a bonfire

As slow as a snail 

Feels as smooth as a baby's bottom

As sad as a fish out of water 

As scared as a bush camper

Talks in a loud screeching voice 

Saying"BA-NA-NA YUM!"  

Monday, August 17, 2020

About Me.


Friday, August 14, 2020

Literacy Circle Script

For reading Urmi's group have been creating a literacy circle script. My group read Up Cloudy Mountain. Have you ever made a literacy circle?

Quick Write Under The Sea

                          Under The Sea

Wow. Pink, purple, yellow, red, blue, green all the colours in the world are under the sea. There is even a sunken ship and beds of coral surrounding us. There are stingrays, octi, dolphins, starfish, flounder, sharks all the underwater animals are under the sea. The golden sun sparkling glamorously on top of the blue sea. Now I see it, the golden treasure falling down from the ship. What is this? It's gold, round and shiny. Oh no, I said "shiny" now the massive crab is gonna sing again. The purple rainbow crab hurries out of his house and says "Did I hear SHINY?" Then he starts to sing and dance "So shiny.........." Everyone says "Oh Liliana." why did I say shi... no, I won't make him start again. So I'll be calling the word... 'The word!' The crab's song finally ends yay we're free! Everyone hurries away never to be disturbed again! Until now......

Thursday, August 13, 2020

Sphero Blog Post

For CRT Elizabeth took us into the library and we had to create a ramp that could hold a sphero and make it jump far. It was extremely hard to guide the sphero up the ramp. I worked with Paige. We had to create a ramp that could hold a sphero and make it fly. 

The challenge was to make the sphero fly as far as you can. Our ramp was too weak and whenever the sphero went fast the ramp collapsed. We had to make the cardboard shaped as a skateboard ramp and tape it all together and if we wanted to we could graffiti it. 

Me and Paige decided to.We had to keep making changes because the structure kept on falling over or was too steep or the sphero missed the ramp.We had to change how steep it was or add more tape. Our sphero travelled 16 cm away from the end of our ramp.The width was 41 cm and the height was 29 cm. Have you ever made a ramp for a sphero?


Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Maths Goals

                         Maths Goals

To use appropriate units and devices to measure length

I am going to measure the whiteboard, I think the white board is 1 meter long. The actual measurement is 104cm long.

To use appropriate units and devices to measure area

I am going to measure the blue table.

My estimate is 130cm length and 1 meter width. 

The actual measurement is 120cm length and 79.5cm width. The area is 120 x 79.5cm= 9540 cm 2

Do you know what area means?

Quick Write Clock Tower.

                  Festive London Clock Tower

I was laying with my siblings at the festival in London and then there was a drone invasion. All the drones were different sizes and colours. First Mary got taken and then all of the others including me. My eardrums felt like they were going to burst but that was the least of my problems. The golden drone that was carrying me by my green quicksilver top drove me past the brown lit up clock tower. I quickly thought this is going to be my way out (off). I grabbed hold of the dark grey dragon sculpture and tried pulling my weight up but my grip wasn't strong enough and I slipped. I fell down, down, down I go into the purply sea. I belly-flopped and my stomach hurt, and I felt dizzy. I flopped out of the sea. I was so scared. I knew I had to get everyone else to safety but I was too sore.

Friday, August 7, 2020

My Letter From The Prime Minister.

A few weeks ago I sent a letter to the prime minister this is what I said...

I got the reply saying...

I am very happy and glad she had the time to reply. You should try.  

Quick Write Giraffe Up A Tree?

                    Giraffe Up A Tree?

A giraffe up a tree, you may think giraffes cannot climb tree's well the truth is they can if they are scared! Here's what happened... Scary lions came chasing after me, I felt my legs could not carry my chunky body. I ran faster than I've ever ran before. I think I just made it but then I had to pee. I was too scared so I did it while I ran. The great big thiefs still chased after me though. I saw a skinny tree with no leafs this is my chance I thought. I circled the tree then quickly clambered up the tree. They kept calling me names trying to get me to come down, I didn't. Then I shouted "I'M TOO CHUNKY YOU WON'T LIKE ME!" It was so high pitched they took 1 step back and then all tried to push down the tree. The leader of the pride said back "The chunkier the better." In the end they didn't get me and I ran away.

Quick Write Dirt Track

                        Dirt Track Quick Write

I was biking along the long and windy dirt track when I stop and try looking for the path ahead of me but it's nowhere to be seen. I fall down on my hands and knees to crawl to the edge of the track. I slide down the steep dirt track and it feels like I hadn't even slid down. I wonder why? How am I going to get home if I can't even get out of this hole. I thought to myself. I notice an old fence, I decide this is going to be my way to get out. I slowly walk over to the fence, I take hold and ZZZ everything goes black and I can't see anything... What do I do now? 

Thursday, August 6, 2020

Rawhiti Choir

                           Rawhiti Choir

Me, Maea and Mikaela signed up for Rawhiti Choir. We all have done choir before and we want to do it again. The thing that I was like "I am so doing choir this year." is because Thala said we were singing in old people homes, and that we will sing in malls. The song we will be singing is We Are The World by Micheal Jackson.

Thanks For Reading!!! Please comment.

Maths Measurements.

Today for Maths Lisa-Maree was teaching us and we started to measure our feet and how tall we are. Here's the word problem. Brooke said "You are as tall as 5 and a half of your feet." Is this true? I think no because a foot isn't an accurate measurement and everyone's feet are different sizes. My foot is 22.5 cm long. Then we had to work out our measurement times 5.5. We used a calculator. So mine was 22.5 x 5.5 = 123.75 cm tall only if Brooke's statement was correct. If I measure myself with a meter ruler or a tape measure I am 146.5 cm tall. This proves that Brooke's statement was false.
How tall are you?

How Maori Were Treated

                    How Maori Were Treated

Urmi's reading group have been learning to gather the main information on how the Maori were treated. 

Before the British came Maori was most commonly spoken in NZ. Maori people had no written language so instead they used symbols embroided in carvings. Te Reo Maori was spoken by Maori to express their identity and culture. 

Maori name most of the major cities and landscapes. NZ was mostly peaceful until the 19th century, when the British came and then Maori language started to die out. The English had to speak and learn Maori in order to trade with them. 

Maori had no immunity to illnesses brought into NZ by settlers that were common in Europe.  In the 1970's a rise of Maori declaring their identity's as warriors. 

Wiama school committee show that as early as 1883 Wiama school developed a policy forbidding parents and children to speak Maori. 

Maori was banned in schools and if you were caught you were either strapped or canned. Wiama school committee made a rule that no parents nor kids could speak Maori in the school grounds and if they were heard speaking Maori they would be moved out of sight before any kids would communicate.

My point of view:

The Maori would have felt really annoyed because their culture wasn't allowed basically. 
I think that the Maori were treated badly but they shouldn't be getting anything that we aren't because not all of us have been doing it. I certainly haven't! They shouldn't get Ihumatao because Fletcher's brought it first. 

Wednesday, August 5, 2020

Dancing Like The Stars

                    Dancing Like The Stars

Year 5 and 6's are allowed to do dancing like the stars. I choose to do dancing like the stars because I want to try something new, and Breanna (my friend's friend) said that last year it was so fun. So I sent Kathy a message and she thought that it was good enough so I joined this years Dancing Like The Stars. The teacher Flur has made up this really cool dance routine. The people in Dancing Like The Stars are London, Jessica, Charli, Maea, Brooke, Breanna, Violet, Maia, Diego, Caeden, Jordan, Mihi and loads more. I would highly suggest that if you ever have the choice of dance, do it. 

Monday, August 3, 2020

Tic Tac Toe Basketball

                           Tic Tac Toe Basketball

For Monday Mash Up Urmi's group learnt and played a new game called Tic Tac Toe Basketball. What you have to do is try to get the ball into the hoop. If you miss the hoop then you go to the back of the line. If you get the ball in the hoop then you sprint to the naughts and crosses chalk board and put a bib into one of the squares. When you get three in a row or diagonal then your team wins and you take all of the bibs out and restart. If you get blocked and none of you can win restart the game. 

In my group was Samuel, Endreyos, Kora, Everley and D'lonte.
Have you ever played Tic Tac Toe Basketball?