
Wednesday, June 2, 2021


This week we had to do a thing where someone makes a brainstorm and then the other person had to make a story out of that brainstorm. Camryn made the brainstorm and then I made the story. 

This is Camryn's brainstorm.

                                                   Beginning: walk down the beach at low tide and find cave

Maea                                         Middle: Trying to hide the secret cave from everyone                                   

Tara                                           Ending: They find the secret treasure and become rich, they come back 30  

Camryn                                      years later and unburie a box from when they were teenagers.                                    


One sunny morning 3 teenagers called Camryn, Tara and Maea decide to have a walk along the beach. They are strolling along the beach when Tara notices a bird. The girls follow the bird and it leads them to a cave. The three girls look into the dark mysterious cave. 

“We can’t let anyone know about this guys.” Camryn says sassily. “ Whatever Cam.” Says Tara chewing her bubble gum loudly. “I think we should let the whole world know!” Shouts little Maea spreading her arms into the sky like a butterfly. A bright couple walk towards the three girls. A man asks Maea “What are you doing girls?” Camryn sarcastically replies with “We are l i t e r a l l y just walking along the beach.” The lady says “Come on Johnny we should be going.” The man tips his hat towards the girls and slowly walks away.

Into the secret cave they notice a glinting spark in the side of the stone. Maea reaches up and tries to pick off the stone. She jumps but the cave is too high. Tara tries but she can’t reach either. So then Camryn reaches her arms up super high and jumps but only a little bit of quartz comes off. They look around for something to use. Then Camryn spots a tall thick stick she slowly runs over to it and heaves it off the ground. 

She pushes it up to the ceiling and knocks the sparkle off the quartz. Wow it’s a big wooden bucket. Maea bellows “Let’s open it!” Tara whispers mysteriously “Or maybe we could not open it.” Camryn says “Tara you don’t have to be so mysterious, but I agree we should leave it.” 

Secretly another morning Maea walks to the beach and steals one very expensive jewel without Tara and Camryn. Maea laughs hysterically “All to myself, HAHAHAHA.” She wanders off the beach shoving the emerald into her brown leather bag. She becomes rich and very wealthy.

30 years later the three teenagers decide that they should go back to the cave and open the treasure chest. So they run in slow motion like the movies and return to the cave. The box is still on the ground from when Maea came and got the jewel. “WOW!” Camryn says. “I thought there was gonna be way less than this amount of jewels.” Maea says quietly “We can become rich with all of these treasures.” Tara replies with “Yeah we could.” 

So then they sell the jewels and become very rich. But they keep their favourite ones in a safe. 


  1. Nice work Ava, I like how none of the other girls notice MAEA stole one of the jems. But if they came back thirty years later wouldn't they not be teenagers they would be adults.

    1. Kia Ora Kaeden, they wouldn't be teenagers, thanks for the feedback.


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