
Thursday, June 10, 2021

Winter Fiction Story

 VROOM. The car sprints like a runner through dark streets, only street lights light the cold streets. He’s gone in the car a million times, he thinks ‘I just want to sleep’. Lion whines loudly, the scary man with dark black eyes and black hair, shouts at Lion “SHUT UP STUPID DOG!” Lion puts his big golden head on the ground until they get to the alleyway. The big man slams his door open and he thrusts his thick langley legs out of the black door. SLAM. His door shuts, Lion whimpers. The man pushes the dog out of the car onto the cold streets. The man gets in the car and drives off, leaving behind a big splash. Lion jumps back before the freezing water touches his fur. Lion sadly walks away realizing he’s never coming back. Lion body hurts and he’s cold, wanting his warm bed back home. 

Lion walks and walks until his legs feel like they're gonna fall off. He is hungry, and spies a rubbish bin full of fresh chicken. He leaps up to the bin and tips it over, his leg catches on something and he falls backwards letting the bin roll towards him. He’s a fierce lion he can get through all the pain. He shrieks and limps into the bin eating all the chicken. He’s cold and the rubbish bin gets him colder. He has to move somewhere warm. He hurdles himself out of the bin and onto the cold streets. He is a street dog now, he remembers what happened and thinks to himself  ‘oh well it was never a good home anyway.’ Lion limps all the way to the park and waits for no one on the steps of a tall church building. 

People respectfully stroll out of the building and first out is a little girl with big brown eyes and brown hair. She looks at Lion and runs up to him she starts giving him pats, Lion feels safe with her. He shows her his paw and groans in agony. The girl's mum comes running over and says “Honey don’t pat the dog, it might bite you or have fleas, we should go home Jay Jay’s probably crying with Uncle Matt.” The girl replies with “But mum he’s hurt on his paw.” “OK we’ll take him to the vet and then go home, I’ll just text Matt and tell him.” The girl asks her mum “If he’s ok can we keep him, PLEASE?” Lion cries, and stands up but then his paw makes him shrink back down into a fluff ball. The mum looks at Lion and says “OK, he is pretty cute and friendly.”   

The mum looks at Lion but then says “I can’t carry you to the car.” Lion stands on three paws as if to say “I can walk to the car.” They all walk to the car and then the mum gestures to jump up into the boot. Lion jumps and lies in the boot, the warm smell of babies comforts Lion. He falls asleep until the car comes to a stop, the boot swings open and Lion jumps out and the smell of treats lures Lion into the vet. He jumps up onto the counter. The vet says that he’s Ok and can stay with them because if he’s on the streets then his owner dumped him. He gets a cast on his sore paw and goes back into the car all the way to their house. 

At the house there’s a baby and a man who has a friendly face and a blue top. The baby stops wailing and reaches for his mum. She lifts him and lets Lion sniff him and lick his face. The baby roughly grabs Lion’s fur and bites him, he has no teeth so it doesn’t hurt. 

Lion sleeps next to the fire and the baby sleeps in the nursery. Lion and Jay Jay form a very strong  bond.

In the park it's very snowy and snow is still falling. Once Lion has run, and run and run and is tired he lies down on the grass. WOW, a snowflake falls on his nose and melts into water. Then another one falls and another and another!  

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