
Thursday, June 10, 2021

Moving Day Fiction Story

 Milly is disappointed, she has to move houses and that means she will have to change schools. The street she lives on is called George St. Her new school is called George St school. The moving day is on Saturday and she starts school on Monday. Her class room is class 10. 


Lunch check, bag check, drink check, hair check. All ready. “Goodbye Mum.” Milly says. “Bye sweetheart, wait up I need to give you a kiss!” Milly’s mum shouts. ‘Urge’ Milly thinks. She stands impatiently. Her mum comes rushing down the stairs and gives Milly a big sloppy kiss. “EWW!” Says Milly as she strides out of the door. She walks along the cobble path watching all the children walk out of their houses. Three girls walk up to Milly and ask her “do you go to Georges st school?” Milly says quietly ”Yes.” 

Back at home her mum asks her “Did you have a good first day?” Milly says “It was OK.” Milly sits on the bench outside and listens to all the noises. She hears a mew, mow, meeow coming from the shed. She unlocks the metal gate and steps inside the darkness. Again she hears a meow? 

She looks around and sees a white kitten sitting behind a paint bucket. She crouches down and lets the kitten sniff her warm hand, the kitten moves forward and licks Milly’s hand. The kitten smooches up to her and Milly lifts her up and brings her to the bench. Milly shouts “MUM LOOK AT WHAT I FOUND!” Her mum comes and gasps at the sight of a kitten. “Oh my lord, where did you find that? We can’t keep a kitten.” “But mum, look how cute she is!” Milly begs. Finally her mum says “OK, we can keep her! She is pretty cute. But we will have to go to the pet shop now, and get food, bowls, collar, and toys. Also a litter tray.” “YAY!” Says Milly. 

They live happily ever after. 

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