
Wednesday, June 16, 2021

Broad Park to Spencer park 7 km run/walk

Yesterday most of Tangaroa went to Broad Park to run 7 km to Spencer park. We had to wait for a van or a parents car to pick us up from school and take us to Broad Park. I went in Brooke's dads car. 
In my group was Kaeden, Bronson, Jayden K, Mikaela, Nick G, Lucy, and Dexter. Our adult was Melissa. At the start we ran for a bit but Nick, Mikaela and Lucy all ran ahead. The rest of us walked 93% of it! We only ran to catch up. At one point there were three ways to go. We saw a arrow so we went up that way, but then Melissa checked the map and she said we should go the other way. We went down the hill and saw another group go up the hill so we went up the hill again. At the 2 km mark we over took them again. It started to drizzle and then it got heavy, but we were sheltered by the trees. When we got to Spencer park we went to Ali to get a sausage. The sausage was nice and hot and the bread was yum. When we were coming back I was in the car with Jessica's mum-Nicole.  It was fun. I was pleased that I did the run. 





  1. Hi Ava, well done on making the 7km. I hope you feel a sense of achievement fro that. Good to know you followed the correct signs! There were lots of ways to get there so it was important to follow the signs.Do you think you could run more if you did it agai

    1. Hi sharon, I probably could but I didn't want to that day.


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