
Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Focused Writing


One wet drizzly day a girl was walking along a cobblestone road, towards a beach with massive rocks overlooking the fierce ocean. Suddenly the wet morning becomes a warm sunny morning. The girl looks about for a rainbow, but there’s nothing to see. She becomes aware of the massive rocks trembling towards her and she looks up into the sky, tears coming to her blue eyes. She tries to run but her feet feel like they're glued to the ground. She tears at her feet with all her might but still they’re not moving. She realizes that only her shoes are glued, she unlaces her high boots and steps out. She races away from the rocks turning her back, CRASH, BANG, squash. She gets squashed by the rocks and her soul drifts up into the sky creating a multicoloured rainbow shining brightly from the blue sky.

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