
Monday, June 14, 2021

Uenuku literacy

Today we learnt about the hero's story. It's an old story about a guy called Uenuku who is searching for berries in the forest when he sees a beautiful young lady. She tries to run away but he makes her stay, she and Uenuku get married, she said to Uenuku "I will marry you if only you promise not to tell anyone." They have a child, and Uenuku tells his village about the child and his wife. She is sleeping in the house and the villagers say he should block her in so then they can see her, so Uenuku does. When she wakes up she says "it feels like a long sleep and it's still dark." Then she notices the barricades. She pushes them out of the way and bright light streams into the house. She flies into the sky and is never seen again. Uenuku searches everywhere for her until eventually Ranginui her dad makes Uenuku into a rainbow. Now Uenuku and her are together in the sky.

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