
Sunday, June 20, 2021

The House

In the middle of the late hours, 12:59 to be precise. The wind howled outside, and the old house creaked. The small girl thought it was all quite nice! It was a fairly normal night, in a fairly normal house that is with the exception of one thing it is haunted- according to the previous owners. May doesn’t suspect a thing, but when she hears a crash coming from the basement she gets suspicious. She grabs a bright torch and crawls down the stairs into the basement. May isn’t scared, she’s scared for the thing that made the noise. She shouts into the darkness “I’m not scared of you”. The only light being the torch her tiny pale, cold hands grip tightly. A scared young voice quietly whispers to himself “Help me.” May says to the mysterious voice “It’s ok I won’t hurt you.” A body appears out of the shadows and a friendly face looks at May. May asks him “What is your name?” The boy replies “My name is Matt. I am a ghost from the year 1875.” May thinks to herself he’s not much older than me. She bellows “You're a ghost! Wow that would be so cool, nothing can happen to you then!” “Oh trust me things can happen to you here, you’re safer to stay in your world.” 

Her parents go away for months at a time. They don’t care about her. She doesn’t mind though, it means she can do whatever she likes whenever she likes. 

The girl invites the ghost into her house and they spend the rest of the morning eating and drinking warm hot chocolate. The day is bright and sunny, the flowers are flowering and the sun is shining like a diamond. Matt and May go out to play in the sun, and watch the clouds move direction, the clouds are shapes and look like animals. 

Then the day turns to night and the sun goes back underground. The kids hear a sound like lightning but no light shines. They go into the garden and walk around. They walk side by side and when May walks into a capsule so does Matt. May accidentally presses 1699 and the capsule shakes violently until it comes to a halt. 

A fierce looking ghost appears as the children exit the capsule. And says “OH MATT YOU ARE NOT GOING TO SURVIVE THIS TIME.” Matt stares confused at the pirate ghost. “I don’t know what you’re talking about, sir.” The pirate declares to know what Matts doing here if he’s not here to die. And asks “Who is this-” he looks May up and down “CHILD?” “Child has a name, it’s May.” May says. 

The ghost and Matt have a big fight and Matt gets hit in the head with a hook. And shrieks loudly. May gets angry “HOW DARE YOU HURT MY FRIEND!” And she sprints up to the pirate ghost and smacks him in the ‘bits’ (you get what I mean by that). The pirate shrinks to the ground and his ghost shadow shrivels up and flies into the sky. He’s gone. May rushes to Matt and asks if he’s ok. “I’m fine.” Says Matt as he stands up and walks towards the capsule. “We should be going back now.”

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