
Friday, September 4, 2020

Would You Rather Vol.3

                     Would You Rather Vol.3

1) Would you rather live in a bus or in a van?

2) Would you rather know the date of your death or the cause of your death?

3) Would you rather be a wolf or a cat for a day?

4) Would you rather be wonder woman or cat woman?

5) Would you rather be Iron Man or Thor?

6) Would you rather be (alive) Black Panther or Storm?

7) Would you rather break your best friends arm accidentally or sprain it accidentally?

8) Would you rather be dead or alive?

9) Would you rather have 10 kids or have none because you just can't create a baby in your body? 

10) Would you rather watch only 1 T.V channel in English and what would it be, or have a variety of all the channels but the language be Spanish on all of them?

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