
Tuesday, September 22, 2020

The House

                               The House

Droplets of rain scatter across the dark and creaky house. For generations this cottage has been owned by an elderly couple. Eventually they died and the owners got replaced by no other than Captain Gook, and his 3 mysterious children. One mysterious child was called Bob and he was 3 years old, a 7 year old girl called Mary, there was also a 5 year old boy called Jeff, 3 month old Jill was the worst of them all and she had a twin called Lily. They lick the walls and poop on the mats then crawl away not looking guilty but with a small smirk, as they sink into Captain Gook's uncomfortable lap. They pee on her white lace bed and dribble into everyone's drinks, They know my secret I have to take off. My roots peel from the ground and I shoot out never to be seen again.


  1. hi ava, i like your vocabulary, but in your last sentence you change from past to present??????

  2. Hi Ava
    I like your story and your description
    Next time you could add a photo cause it sometimes helps hook the reader in
    But apart from that I think that your story is really cool :)

    1. Thank You Kirsten, I've added a picture now.

  3. good job ave maybe pot pull stop

  4. I like it it gives me pirate vibes


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