
Friday, September 4, 2020

Quick Write: Mr. Orangutan

                        Quick Write: Orangutan 

The baby orangutan shelters himself with a DIY umbrella. The green umbrella is made from leaves and sticks. Mr. Orangutan loves his new umbrella, he takes it everywhere with him. When it rains he cradles it over his head and cuddles the rest of his long fluffy body. His family ditched him when he was 5 now he is 5 and 1/2 so he's decided to go looking for them. He searches long and far until he spots a cave. The cave has a glowing light far down the end and Mr. Orangutan is freezing, even with his fluffy coat. Mr. Orangutan thinks to himself I need somewhere to sleep and I need something to eat, I guess I may as well. He then chuckles to himself. He stomps into a warm and cozy cave with glow worms surrounding him. He thinks this must be where the lights are coming from. But no he was wrong the lights where not coming from there. What does Mr. Orangutan do now?

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