
Friday, September 25, 2020

Where in the class has the most bacteria?

For inquiry me, Tara and Maea have been researching where in the class has the most bacteria. 
First we had to research lots of facts about bacteria and write them all on a slideshow in our own words. Then we had to make agar mixture and then swab everywhere bacteria is most likely to be. We then had to put the swabbed cotton bud and mush it into the agar. Then we had to do a blog post and link it to a document.

Today me and Maea made an agar mixture. We didn't have any beef stock powder so we used self-raising flour. This is what the mixture turned out like...

After a few days we checked them and they were a bit runny but they had still grown a lot of bacteria. 

This is what Tara's microphone she swabbed turned out like.

 I can see one blue mold colony, and one small white colony.

This is Tara's agar plate. For this one she swabbed a red wobbly stool.
 I can see one pink colony coming through a black colony. There area few big and small black colonies. 
There are also a few yellowy-green colonies and orange colonies. 

This photo next is my one. I swabbed the last toilet seat.
 There is one big black colonie of mold. One small colony of bacteria in the mold it has blue bacteria on the inside and white on the outside. There are a few similar colonies of bacteria some are blue and some are yellow. There is also a big bunch of pink bacteria forming.

This one that I swabbed is of

These next two ones are the ones that Maea swabbed. This one is the blinds.
 It has around 9 colonies of bacteria on the top. Some yellow some white a little bit of blue colonies coming in and there’s a little green mold on the side. 

This one is of the rolls (where every kid in the class writes on in the morning at least they should).
 I can see lots of tan agar, and little molds. There is also big brown colonies. 

This one is on the right back door handle.
 I can see lots of white and yellow colonies. 

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