
Thursday, September 3, 2020

Quick Write: Night

                      Quick Write: Night

One warm summers night two little girls were wearing their unicorn nighties in bed when they heard a loud 'BOOM' a bit like an explosion. It was weird because no one else noticed it or heard it. Anyway they were so scared and they had no idea what was going on outside. Ava whispered to Paige "Lets go see what's happening outside." Paige said quietly "OK." They slowly hopped out of bed and made their way downstairs. As quiet as little mice they opened the door and stepped slowly onto the stepping stones. Taking a deep breathe they started to run. They stood on the long and windy road. The road trailed away with the lampposts attached. The lights were glowing as yellow as the sun and there were houses as dark as a black hole, no one was awake not even a soul. They realized that one lamp was wonky. 

                            I wonder why?  

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