
Thursday, December 2, 2021

STUFF Summarising


My stuff summarising.

1.12.21 Stories

Summary 1.

Student kills 3 people, wounds 6 at a US high school 

A fifteen year old male had a handgun on him, he killed 3 students and injured 6 people including a teacher at a Michigan high school. Later the police arrived and took the boy into custody. It is unknown how the gun got into the school premises. 

Summary 2. 

Emergency nurse and mother of three dies of Covid-19 in Australia

An emergency nurse, mother of 3 died today in Australia from covid-19 in the workplace.

Union suspects this is the first death of a Victorian hospital worker. She had worked there for 15 years, she was doubled vaxxed, but around 3000 staff members have had covid-19 during work in Victoria hospital. Although the deaths of the workers are rare. 

Summary 3.  

Olympic gold medalist Emma Twigg and wife Charlotte expecting first child

Emma and Charlotte are expecting a boy, Emma and Charlotte have been married since January 2020. Lisa Carrington, David Nyika, Tim Seifert, Sophie Pascoe and Luuka Jones have all given the couple well wishes.

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