
Monday, December 13, 2021

Rumbustification Day

 Rumbustification Day

Last Friday was Rumbustification Day. There were lots of activities in different classrooms. In Rongomatane was card making, Papatuanuku was face painting and lego, craft. Haumaitiketike was mokos, dance party. Tanemahuta was drawing, Tawhirimatea was photo booth. And Tangaroa was trampolining on to mat, and table tennis. In the hall is talent quest, badminton, and volleyball.

Me and my friends went to face painting first then we took photos at the photo booth. We discovered badminton and the talent quest in the hall and stayed there for most of the day. We then went back to our class to jump on the mats and did table tennis. It was fun doing table tennis, although we didn't really know how to play. We had lunch and then went back to doing other stuff. 

At 2.15 there was tug of war between year groups and teachers. First was the juniors vs juniors, juniors won! Then there was seniors vs seniors. Then about 20 seniors vs about 55 juniors I wonder who won?! The juniors won. Then Seniors vs teachers. The seniors won. 

These are a couple of photos of the photo booth.

 After tug of war we came back to class and had an ice block. 

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