
Thursday, December 2, 2021

Aboriginal Art


This is my Aboriginal Art MPR.

Aboriginal Art

Aboriginal Art can be understood as the carvings, paintings, and depictions of nature created by Aboriginal people. These are a group of Indigenous peoples who are native to Australia. They're a vast community of Native peoples who have lived in Australia for the past 50,000 years - the oldest living culture in the world.

Aboriginal people are known to have a strong relationship to the natural landscape, including deserts, coasts, valleys, and grasslands. They often use Australian animals as inspiration in their art and folklore. They also hold a strong value in natural materials, including ochre: a soft rock that contains clay.

Ochre was one of the first pigments to be used by humankind. It was ground up into a fine red-coloured powder and mixed with water to create one of the world’s first paints. They also used charcoal and clay.

For centuries and still today, Aboriginal people used ochre for a number of purposes. They painted it on their Body and faces and also for medicine, trade, and art. Rock carvings and body painting have been practised by Indigenous peoples in Australia for at least 30,000 years.

Their art and paintings mostly represent the Dreamtime, aka the creation stories and spiritual beliefs of Aboriginal people. The earliest type of Aboriginal art was symbols and patterns, made only in natural colours, often with dots and swirls. As there is no written language in their culture, the symbols are incredibly important.

Aboriginal Art

Mini  personal response

Comprehension strategy 1 – INFERRING

Using clues from the surrounding words, work out what words are missing.

Earliest, group, body, oldest, number, natural, humankind

Comprehension strategy 2 – SUMMARISING

 Summarise the reading in 20 words, including Who, where, when and the 3 most important whats.

Comprehension strategy 4 – REREADING FOR INFORMATION

Answer these questions:

  1. Where are Aboriginal people from? Australia

  2. How long have they lived in Australia? 50,000 years

  3. What do they use as inspiration for their art? Australian animals

  4. What is ochre? A soft rock.

  5. What do they use ochre for? They rub it on their body

  6. What does their art mostly represent? The dreamtime

  7. What was the earliest type of Aboriginal art? Symbols and patterns

Comprehension strategy 5 - Developing vocabulary

Find the meanings or synonyms for 5 of the words below. Remember some words have more than one meaning. You must choose the meaning that fits the word as it is used in the text.

Tip - in Google type in “synonym for ______”

  1. Aboriginal - native

  2. Indigenous - ancient

  3. Inspiration - creativity

  4. Ochre - verdigris

  5. Pigments - colour

Comprehension strategy 6 -  Reading carefully.

Record yourself reading the story aloud using Screencastify - you can get it from here.

When you’ve finished recording find the button on the right that says “shareable link” and use that to put your link here:


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