
Wednesday, August 4, 2021

Quick Write Extended


In Cherry Lane the anchors connecting the land and buildings together have now snapped and the city starts to float slowly into the air. 

Heaps of people try to jump off, but the city has formed a hollow half circle. No one can get out. 

Minutes later the city is higher than the clouds and in the distance the land is now just a green spot with nothing on it. 

The city gets shook and shook and shook, then slowly snow starts to fall and a snowman sits on the top of a Big Ben building. 

A giant dark shadow circles around the town. Some people run down to basements, others try to climb the wall. 

Then everyone realizes they are in a snow globe. 

Frequently the ground starts shaking, and the people of Cherry Lane whimper and shriek in distress. 

Many jump from the top of one building to another for amusement. A giant little girl outside the globe falls about with laughter. 

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