
Friday, August 27, 2021

Facts About Covid-19 And More...

Is covid-19 a virus, or disease? 
What are the types of covid-19?
How many cases are in each country?
How many deaths are in each country?

Is covid-19 a virus, or disease? Covid-19 is a virus, the full name is 

corona virus.

What are the types of covid-19? The types of covid-19 are delta (mainly effecting young people, the youngest under 1 year old). According to google these are all the types of covid: Alpha, Beta, Delta, and Gamma, all from the Greek alphabet. 

How many cases are in each country (had/has)? (from worldometer including the ones in managed isolation.) 

USA: there are 39,233,078 cases in total.
India: There are 32,602,325 cases in total.
Brazil: There are 20,645,537 cases in total.
Russia: There are 6,824,540 cases in total.
France: There are 6,693,019 in total.
UK: In the UK there are 6,628,709 cases.
Turkey: In Turkey there are 6,293,297 cases.
Argentina: 5,155,079 cases.
Colombia: 4,897,150 cases.
Iran: 4,833,135 cases of Covid-19.
Spain: 4,822,320 cases.
Italy: 4,509,611 cases.
Indonesia: 4,043,736 cases throughout the country.
Germany: 3,913,407
Mexico: 3,271,128
Poland: 2,887,485
South Africa: 2,734,973
Ukraine: 2,278,171
Peru: 2,145,051
Netherlands: 1,929,018
Philippines: 1,899,200
Iraq: 1,855,781
Czechia: 1,678,331
Malaysia: 1,640,843
Chile: 1,635,958
Bangladesh: 1,482,628
Japan: 1,362,813
Belgium: 1,173,108

Pakistan: 1,140,411

Sweden: 1,122,139

Thailand: 1,120,869

Romania: 1,093,924

Portugal: 1,028,421

Israel: 1,025,336

Morocco: 836,494

Hungary: 811,517

Click this link to go to the Worldometer.

How many deaths are in each country? Have a look at the worldometer for more information.

1 comment:

  1. Kia ora Ava, I like how you have explained where you found your information and have included a link to the Worldometer. What was the most interesting fact you learnt about Covid 19? Seeing all the cases in other countries, makes me feel very lucky to live in New Zealand.


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