
Wednesday, August 25, 2021


                                       Fiction Story


One sunny day there was a girl called Ametrine. She has devilish black hair and a bright red smile. Her eyes as bright as sapphire. She goes to a school called Summer middle school. Her mum is just like her and her dad is too. Ametrine is 11 years old and she is an only child. Her mum has been sick recently so Ametrine sometimes has to get her things. Ametrine loves her mum and dad but every now (gets interrupted) "Ametrine, can you please get me some blankets!" "Ok mum!" (carries on) and then her mum shouts for her to get something. 

                                                The surprise

Mum is going with dad to the hospital so I have to stay with my mum's best friend Jade. I like Jade she's nice but I want to know what's happening to Mum. Jade and I bake some muffins and chocolate cake. We ice the cake with red icing. Then we have to taste test to make sure it's yummy enough! It definitely is! Mum and Dad come home and mum says she really really wants something sweet. I tell mum that Jade and I made some muffins and cake. Dad and Mum invite Jade round for dinner. 

                                            At Dinner.

At dinner we have fish and chips. I put heaps of tomato sauce on my hotdog. It's drowning in it! Then after dinner we have the cake that Jade and I made, we put some hokey pokey chocolate sprinkled on top and ice cream on the side. Mum and Dad say that it's the best cake ever! Jade and I grin wildly. Mum gets up suddenly and leaps to the bathroom then we hear a splat and plop. Mum is spewing. I hope we didn't give her food poisoning! She comes out of the bathroom and Jade asks her if she's OK. Mum says "I have something to tell you both." I fear it's something I won't want to hear. I sit on the leather couch and first Mum says "I went to the doctors because... I'm pregnant!" I gasp in shock then say "How old is it?" Dad says "It's a he, and he's 7 months, that's why she's so fat!" "WOW! I'm so excited!" Jade shouts. I ask Mum "Do you have any names?" She says "We thought you could help us choose one." Dad says that tomorrow we are going to see Aunty Mia at the pet shop. I don't know why we are. I hope that were getting a pet because all of the people in my class have pets, and I have none. 

                                            Crash, Bang. 

CRASH, BANG! Leaping out of my bed I slide down the stair banister and slide into the kitchen, to see the pots and pans on the ground and Mum holding a tea towel. "whoops" Mum says, "So we need to have breakfast and wake Dad up, then at 11.30 we are going to the pet shop to see Aunty Mia." "Are you sure that's all were doing? Were not getting a puppy are we!" I ask "Ametrine do you want a puppy that bad?" Mum whispered. "YES MUM YES!" I bellow. "Alright when we go today you can look at a small puppy to get OK?" Mum says. "Thank you so much mum, your the best!" Ametrine says as she wraps her mum in a hug. 

                                              11:30 am 

At the pet shop Aunty Mia says that recently they had 11 10 week old Labrador puppies brought in, who are ready to go to their forever homes. Ametrine looks at her mum and then mum says "Could we look at them? Were thinking of adopting." "Ooh exciting, sure you can they are so cute and are used to babies around the house." Aunty Mia coos. "Ah, you never told me about this." Says Ametrine's dad. "Oops." Says mum. "Oh well I guess if it's cute then it won't be a problem." He looks at Ametrine. "If you look after it, take it for walks, feed it, bath it, pick up the poo and everything else." "Tick, tick, tick, tick, tick and tick. Dad I will do everything for it." Ametrine shouts.


We walk into the white room and there are really cute dogs and puppies but the cage that catches my eye is the one with adorable golden puppies. Aunty Mia directs us towards the cage and there they are all 11 puppies in a spacious pink room. Lots of little beds spread out in a corner, some pee mats also around the room. There are a few water bowls and food bowls. Ametrine steps in the room at 10 puppies crowd tightly around her, tripping her up and jumping high in the air. Ametrine sits in the room and pats all the puppies around her. She looks at the puppy in the corner and it looks at her. They share a sad look and Ametrine says to everyone "I know which puppy I want, I want that one." She points to the puppy in the corner.  Ametrine walks calmly towards the puppy and lets it sniff her hand. She sits with it and her Aunty Mia says "That one is very shy but extremely sweet and gentle." 

                                                        At Home

Ametrine names her puppy Amber. Her mum and dad call their child Jasper.

They live happily ever after - or not. 😶😊



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