
Friday, August 27, 2021


The other day for children's university I made 3 hearts for Arlo, Lacey and my mum. These are the messages I wrote.

Facts About Covid-19 And More...

Is covid-19 a virus, or disease? 
What are the types of covid-19?
How many cases are in each country?
How many deaths are in each country?

Is covid-19 a virus, or disease? Covid-19 is a virus, the full name is 

corona virus.

What are the types of covid-19? The types of covid-19 are delta (mainly effecting young people, the youngest under 1 year old). According to google these are all the types of covid: Alpha, Beta, Delta, and Gamma, all from the Greek alphabet. 

How many cases are in each country (had/has)? (from worldometer including the ones in managed isolation.) 

USA: there are 39,233,078 cases in total.
India: There are 32,602,325 cases in total.
Brazil: There are 20,645,537 cases in total.
Russia: There are 6,824,540 cases in total.
France: There are 6,693,019 in total.
UK: In the UK there are 6,628,709 cases.
Turkey: In Turkey there are 6,293,297 cases.
Argentina: 5,155,079 cases.
Colombia: 4,897,150 cases.
Iran: 4,833,135 cases of Covid-19.
Spain: 4,822,320 cases.
Italy: 4,509,611 cases.
Indonesia: 4,043,736 cases throughout the country.
Germany: 3,913,407
Mexico: 3,271,128
Poland: 2,887,485
South Africa: 2,734,973
Ukraine: 2,278,171
Peru: 2,145,051
Netherlands: 1,929,018
Philippines: 1,899,200
Iraq: 1,855,781
Czechia: 1,678,331
Malaysia: 1,640,843
Chile: 1,635,958
Bangladesh: 1,482,628
Japan: 1,362,813
Belgium: 1,173,108

Pakistan: 1,140,411

Sweden: 1,122,139

Thailand: 1,120,869

Romania: 1,093,924

Portugal: 1,028,421

Israel: 1,025,336

Morocco: 836,494

Hungary: 811,517

Click this link to go to the Worldometer.

How many deaths are in each country? Have a look at the worldometer for more information.

Thursday, August 26, 2021


I made some more beats. They were quick and easy, I used the alpha category. 

Tell Me The Right Thing.


Soft Toy Bowling


These were the instructions.

This is an image of the bowling.

Mindful moment - Literacy

 For the extra literacy tasks I chose to do Mindful Moment. 

I had to get someone in my house to put three items into a bag without me seeing what they were. Then I put my hand in and felt what the items were. The first one felt . The second one felt . And the third one felt .

This is a photo of me guessing what is inside it.

I felt a crusaders cap, a koala dog toy and a sausage dog toy. I got all of them right.

Wednesday, August 25, 2021


 Incredibox is where there are multiple categories to choose a type of music. The first time I chose sunrise. And this is the beat I made.


Click the top link. I dedicated it to Dafastarlo.

This is what the start looks like. You drag the icons onto the people and record it. 


                                       Fiction Story


One sunny day there was a girl called Ametrine. She has devilish black hair and a bright red smile. Her eyes as bright as sapphire. She goes to a school called Summer middle school. Her mum is just like her and her dad is too. Ametrine is 11 years old and she is an only child. Her mum has been sick recently so Ametrine sometimes has to get her things. Ametrine loves her mum and dad but every now (gets interrupted) "Ametrine, can you please get me some blankets!" "Ok mum!" (carries on) and then her mum shouts for her to get something. 

                                                The surprise

Mum is going with dad to the hospital so I have to stay with my mum's best friend Jade. I like Jade she's nice but I want to know what's happening to Mum. Jade and I bake some muffins and chocolate cake. We ice the cake with red icing. Then we have to taste test to make sure it's yummy enough! It definitely is! Mum and Dad come home and mum says she really really wants something sweet. I tell mum that Jade and I made some muffins and cake. Dad and Mum invite Jade round for dinner. 

                                            At Dinner.

At dinner we have fish and chips. I put heaps of tomato sauce on my hotdog. It's drowning in it! Then after dinner we have the cake that Jade and I made, we put some hokey pokey chocolate sprinkled on top and ice cream on the side. Mum and Dad say that it's the best cake ever! Jade and I grin wildly. Mum gets up suddenly and leaps to the bathroom then we hear a splat and plop. Mum is spewing. I hope we didn't give her food poisoning! She comes out of the bathroom and Jade asks her if she's OK. Mum says "I have something to tell you both." I fear it's something I won't want to hear. I sit on the leather couch and first Mum says "I went to the doctors because... I'm pregnant!" I gasp in shock then say "How old is it?" Dad says "It's a he, and he's 7 months, that's why she's so fat!" "WOW! I'm so excited!" Jade shouts. I ask Mum "Do you have any names?" She says "We thought you could help us choose one." Dad says that tomorrow we are going to see Aunty Mia at the pet shop. I don't know why we are. I hope that were getting a pet because all of the people in my class have pets, and I have none. 

                                            Crash, Bang. 

CRASH, BANG! Leaping out of my bed I slide down the stair banister and slide into the kitchen, to see the pots and pans on the ground and Mum holding a tea towel. "whoops" Mum says, "So we need to have breakfast and wake Dad up, then at 11.30 we are going to the pet shop to see Aunty Mia." "Are you sure that's all were doing? Were not getting a puppy are we!" I ask "Ametrine do you want a puppy that bad?" Mum whispered. "YES MUM YES!" I bellow. "Alright when we go today you can look at a small puppy to get OK?" Mum says. "Thank you so much mum, your the best!" Ametrine says as she wraps her mum in a hug. 

                                              11:30 am 

At the pet shop Aunty Mia says that recently they had 11 10 week old Labrador puppies brought in, who are ready to go to their forever homes. Ametrine looks at her mum and then mum says "Could we look at them? Were thinking of adopting." "Ooh exciting, sure you can they are so cute and are used to babies around the house." Aunty Mia coos. "Ah, you never told me about this." Says Ametrine's dad. "Oops." Says mum. "Oh well I guess if it's cute then it won't be a problem." He looks at Ametrine. "If you look after it, take it for walks, feed it, bath it, pick up the poo and everything else." "Tick, tick, tick, tick, tick and tick. Dad I will do everything for it." Ametrine shouts.


We walk into the white room and there are really cute dogs and puppies but the cage that catches my eye is the one with adorable golden puppies. Aunty Mia directs us towards the cage and there they are all 11 puppies in a spacious pink room. Lots of little beds spread out in a corner, some pee mats also around the room. There are a few water bowls and food bowls. Ametrine steps in the room at 10 puppies crowd tightly around her, tripping her up and jumping high in the air. Ametrine sits in the room and pats all the puppies around her. She looks at the puppy in the corner and it looks at her. They share a sad look and Ametrine says to everyone "I know which puppy I want, I want that one." She points to the puppy in the corner.  Ametrine walks calmly towards the puppy and lets it sniff her hand. She sits with it and her Aunty Mia says "That one is very shy but extremely sweet and gentle." 

                                                        At Home

Ametrine names her puppy Amber. Her mum and dad call their child Jasper.

They live happily ever after - or not. 😶😊





Local wildlife: Karoro

Mini  personal response

Comprehension strategy 1 – INFERRING

Using clues from the surrounding words, work out what words are missing.

Comprehension strategy 2 – SUMMARISING

 Summarise the story in 20 words , including who, where, when and the 3 most important whats.

The karoro attack chicks- eggs and even lambs. It is native to NZ. They also eat sea creatures. 

Comprehension strategy 3 – MAKING CONNECTIONS

Personal connection. Relate this story to something that has happened to you or people you know in your own life; or what other book or film is it similar to. How is it the same, how is it different?

It is similar to when I was reading a book about a baby cow who died (not a lamb but still dies as a newborn). It's different because the cow didn’t die by a bird. 

Comprehension strategy 4 – REREADING FOR INFORMATION

Answer these questions:

  1. What are 2 location facts about the karoro? common in the South Island. They usually stay close to the coast.

  2. What are 2 description facts? First year birds are brown and in the second  year the back is brown and the breast and neck are white flecked with brown. And the bill is yellow with a red spot at the tip of the lower bill.

  3. What  are two things it does? Attacks animals, flies in flocks.

Comprehension strategy 5 - Developing vocabulary 

Find the meanings or synonyms for 5 of the words below. Remember some words have more than one meaning. You must choose the meaning that fits the word as it is used in the text.

Tip - in Google type in “synonym for ______”

Swamp- marsh- bog- mire- wetland- fenland- swampland


Dappled- dot-spot-mark-fleck-streak-speckled-marble-speck-mottle-spotty-dotted

Abdomen-stomach- belly-gut-tummy-guts-tum- inside

Nymph- sprite- sylph- wood nymph- water nymph

Swamp grasp abdomen galaxid,  dappled nymph

Comprehension strategy 6 - 

Create a question using 2 of the “7 sisters” i.e. where, when, who, what, which, how and why

Why do birds attack but not eat the lambs, which season am I likely to see them?

E.g. When does this plant flower and what do the seeds look like?

No clues today - guess/infer what words you think will fit.

Karoro (Black-backed gull)

The karoro is a native bird. It is both a scavenger and a predator. It is an omnivore. That is, it will eat both plants and animals.

Black-billed gulls are found all over New Zealand, but they are most common in the South Island. They usually stay close to the coast.

Most of the Black-backed gull’s feathers are white. The back is black. The bill  is yellow with a red spot at the tip of the lower bill.  The eye is pale yellow and the legs greenish yellow.  First year birds are brown and in the second  year the back is brown and the breast and neck are white flecked with brown. 

Both predators and scavengers,  Black-Backed gulls threaten rare birds  such as the New Zealand dotterel, little blue penguin, and some terns and petrels by predating on eggs and chicks, and can also attack newborn lambs. They also feed on washed up fish and shellfish, and aren’t fussy if it’s been dead a few days and is getting a bit smelly. They are often seen in fields taking worms and grubs and scavenging in rubbish dumps. There are sometimes massive flocks of them hanging around the Bottle Lake landfill. They frequently rob other seabirds of their catch, and they can swallow a small wild duck whole. 


The Animal Thief


The Animal Thief

Comprehension strategy 1 – INFERRING

Using clues from the surrounding words, work out what words are missing. (the story below.)

Comprehension strategy 2 – SUMMARISING

 Summarise the story in 20 words , including Who, where, when and the 3 most important whats.

There’s an animal thief in town. Zoe finds the animals, calls the police Zoe keeps a budgie. (3 words left)

Comprehension strategy 3 – MAKING CONNECTIONS

Personal connection. Relate this story to something that has happened to you or people you know in your own life; or what other book or film is it similar to. How is it the same, how is it different?

It’s like when my rabbit went missing because we put up lost posters. It’s different because nobody stole her.

Comprehension strategy 4 - Rereading for comprehension

  1. Where does the main character do volunteer work? The vet

Comprehension strategy 5 - Developing vocabulary

Find the meanings or synonyms for 5 of the words below. Remember some words have more than one meaning. You must choose the meaning that fits the word as it is used in the text.

Tip - in Google type in “synonym for ______”

 Frantic delicately injured familiar anxiously cautiously

Delicately - lightly - softly - precisely - gracefully. 

Injured- hurt- wounded- sore- harmed- damaged- bruised.

Swung- sway- flutter- flap-vibrate- rock- wag-wave- dangle.

Thief- robber- shoplifter- pickpocket- stealer- mugger.

Frosty- freezing- ice-cold-bitter- crisp.

Comprehension strategy 6 - Visualisation

Imagine you are the main character in  the final part of the story when she  is sneaking into the thief’s house.

Complete these sentences:

I can see cages, animals and a damp room.

I can see  cobwebs, a small window and photos.

Physically, I can feel wobbly, like a ballerina (leaping out of a window)and frozen.

My emotions include  scared, excited and nervous.

The Animal Thief

By Zoe

Splat! Lily looked up to see something small and blue slide limply down the frosty window and off  the windowsill with a  thump. In a flash of  orange Lily’s kitten Maizy  sped over to the little blue bird. Quickly Lily dove at her cat and scooped her up holding her close, “That poor bird’s not for you”. Lily  carefully put Maizy down and ran through the snow to the small bird. holding it delicately in her hand she rolled it over onto its back.Image result for budgie

One of its blue wings was bent on a weird angle and it had a small cut under one of its small black eyes. It tried to move its head but the effort made it lay back down, closing its eyes. “Mum!” Lily called “Muuum! Come have a look at this!”Mum walked over, frowning.

“No yelling please Lily, what’s wrong?”

 “There’s an injured budgie over here, I saw it fly into our window!”

Lily lay the bird down and found an empty shoebox in the garage and lined it with newspaper and then a soft, fluffy blanket. She carried it over to the budgie and carefully lay him inside it. Mum came over and peered into the box tipping her head to one side “I think he needs to go to the vet” she said, “Fast.”

Lily quickly lifted up the shoebox and carried it over to the door while Mum grabbed the keys and hurried after her. After a short drive they reached the vet, the same one they took Maizy to and they walked into the waiting room. Lily breathed in the lovely smell of the animals and looked around at the familiar room. She came here quite often because she volunteered here after school some days. Lily walked up to the counter and told Mary the receptionist what had happened. She gently passed over the box “You may leave but I’ll call if we find anything.” Mary carried the budgie and it’s box into a small room at the end of the hallway and shouldered open a heavy white door which swung closed behind her.

Lily and Mum slowly walked out to the car, Mum grasped my hand and squeezed it, “He’ll be alright.” When they got home Lily walked slowly up the stairs and into her bedroom and dropped onto her bed. “I wonder why that bird was loose?” she thought. “ You wouldn’t just let a bird like that loose. Maybe it just escaped.” Lily decided to make up some lost posters for the budgie and she walked around the small town hanging them on lampposts and in shop windows.

When hanging the last poster up in the library she saw a lot of other posters and fliers and most of them were animals gone missing and there was also a wanted poster for an animal thief. “Now I’m getting somewhere,” thought Lily, pulling the poster off the window, tucking it into her pocket, and running home.

She only stopped when she reached her bedroom and sat down at her messy desk. After pushing her other stuff onto the floor she laid out the poster. He must have had the Budgie. Just then the phone rang, it was probably the vet! Lily ran downstairs and over to the phone but her mum had got there first. Lily cuddled Maisy nervously trying to listen to the conversation. Mum walked into another room and closed the door, I slowly walked up to my bedroom.

I grab my Ipad and googled animal thief, immediately it comes up with photos of the same person on the poster. I looked deeper into the web and found that he has been known to hang around this neighbourhood. That was probably why there were so many other lost animal posters around.

Lily picks up Maizy who had been pawing anxiously at her chair and places her on her lap. Just then her Dad stuck his head around the side of the door “Dad!” cried Lily “Do you have the newspaper?”

“Yes, why?” said Dad, surprised.

“Can you go get it?” pleaded Lily.

“Ok” said Dad confused.

When Dad returned with the newspaper Lily ripped it open and turned to the crime section. Right in the middle of the page was an article about an animal thief! Lily read on and found out that last night he had been seen on cameras at the local pet shop with a sack. Not bothering to grab a coat Lily put on her shoes and ran out the door. Soon she was at the pet shop.  She stepped into the shop and gasped,  the cages were all hanging open and papers were scattered all over the floor with the frantic shop keeper in the middle of it on her knees.

“Did the animal thief do this?” stuttered Lily.

“Yes he came and destroyed everything and took all the animals!” cried the shop keeper desperately.

“Hmm” said Lily wandering around the shop. “Why didn’t I think of that!” yelled Lily excitedly “There will be footprints in the snow!”

She ran outside and scanned round “Great, big large footprints!” thought Lily and she sprinted down the road. After 10 minutes she slowed down to a walk. After an hour she started to feel quite hungry and tired, she had walked to the edge of the city and the footprints were turning into an alleyway and they stopped at the door of an old apartment.

Walking around to the other side of the house she peeped through a frosty window. There they were, cages and cages of animals all with photos and names on them! She pulled on the edge of the window and it gradually opened. Lily clambered through and dropped cautiously into the damp room she tiptoed over to the nearest cage. Brushing away some cobwebs she pulled on the catch, it was locked. Suddenly she heard footsteps! Lily ran and dived out the window pushing it closed behind her. Crouching down she grabbed her phone and informed her parents and the police what had happened.

Soon some police cars came whizzing down the alleyway and Lily waved gratefully at them, glad she was not alone. A few minutes later her Mum arrived looking very worried and pale. Lily ran into Mum’s arms and squeezed her tight. “Good news!” said Mum “ the budgie is all right!” Mum drove Lily home but on the way they picked up the budgie. The budgie was still in the shoebox but he had a bandage around his wing. Then they got a call from the police saying that the thief was in jail.

“Where will all the animals go?” asked Lily, anxiously. “Well,” said Mum, smiling “All the animals went back to where they came from. All except for one… the budgie! Do you want to keep him?”

Tuesday, August 24, 2021

Is It Worth It?

Tuhituhi / Writing
Is it worth it?

Should we devote time and money to building a space station on the moon or Mars? Why or why not? Explain your answer

I think they should build a space station on mars, because the people who go to space are rich, so may as well build something else (worth the money). But then also the rich people who go to space wouldn’t care about a space station, they wouldn’t be grateful for it.


Tuhituhi / Writing


Make a collection of at least 20 space related words.   Choose at least 8 of them to include in a poem about space.  Your poem should include:

Alliteration (e.g. Alien Antics)

A simile (e.g. as black as the night)

At least one rhyme (e.g. later / crater)


Milky way



Space junk












Black holes




Illustrate your poem

Magical milky way 

Planets granite

As dark as a brownie

Ruby rays

Star cigar

As bright as the moon

Awesome astronaut 

Beams redeem

Monday, August 23, 2021

Bag Shoes - CUA

This morning me and Maia made bag shoes. Hers looked better than mine, hers were heeled, mine were like snowboarding shoes. She eventually got her foot out of her shoe. 

Maia's shoes took much longer to make than mine did.

This is a video of us walking in them.

Wednesday, August 18, 2021

Spelling Tasks

These are the spelling tasks we had to do this week.

Train Words


Alphabetical Order



Tuesday, August 17, 2021

Relationships And Sexuality Education

 Today for puberty we have been learning about ourselves.

This is my waka.

Monday, August 16, 2021


For maniakalani we created a rubric saying what makes a blog interesting. This is what I thought should be included in a blog post - although you don't every time have to do everything. I'm level alright. 

Friday, August 13, 2021

Winter Tournament - Hockey

Yesterday for the winter tournament Kaeden, Thomas, Rylin, Robbie, Greta and I did hockey at the Rawhiti domain. There were marshlands, south Brighton and a few others. We came 3rd. When it was Rawhiti vs Queenspark, somebody hit my finger with their hockey stick and it was bleeding loads.

I enjoyed the tournament, and can't wait for the Koru Games.

Thursday, August 5, 2021

Distance and Size Of Planets.

 The sizes of planets are way more than you would expect. The distance is quite far away too.

For example this about the size difference of all the planets.

There are millions of center meters (cm) in between the planets.

Wednesday, August 4, 2021

Where Do I Belong?

Quick Write Extended


In Cherry Lane the anchors connecting the land and buildings together have now snapped and the city starts to float slowly into the air. 

Heaps of people try to jump off, but the city has formed a hollow half circle. No one can get out. 

Minutes later the city is higher than the clouds and in the distance the land is now just a green spot with nothing on it. 

The city gets shook and shook and shook, then slowly snow starts to fall and a snowman sits on the top of a Big Ben building. 

A giant dark shadow circles around the town. Some people run down to basements, others try to climb the wall. 

Then everyone realizes they are in a snow globe. 

Frequently the ground starts shaking, and the people of Cherry Lane whimper and shriek in distress. 

Many jump from the top of one building to another for amusement. A giant little girl outside the globe falls about with laughter. 

Monday, August 2, 2021

Science Sundial

 Me and Mikaela made a sundial. We shined a torch at the straw to show different times in the 24 hour period. The shadow is like the hour hand.