
Tuesday, May 18, 2021

Te Ao Maori- The Creation Story Recreated

Freya, Brooke and I were in a group to recreate the creation story. The creation story is about how the world is made. Some people believe it some people don't. This is our creation story.                    

                                                         Our Creation Story

By Brooke, Freya and Ava

It started one day when the world was full of darkness where six brothers named Tāne Mahuta, Tāwhirimātea, Rongomātāne, Haumiatiketike, Tangaroa, and Rūaumoko. They lived between their mother, Papatuānuku and their father, Ranginui. They had no room to walk, move or breath. 

One day the children got very sick and their parents decided they needed to do something about it. They decided to ask their children to separate them to let in sunlight so the brothers could heal. They did not want to leave each other but knew it was best for their children.

Many of the children try to push them apart, but it was no use. Tāne Mahuta suddenly had the idea for all of the brothers to try to push them apart together. All of the brothers, apart from Tāwhirimātea who didn’t want his parents to be separated, tried separating them from their parents and it worked!

The sun suddenly blasted down on them and the earth got covered in sunlight. And the children got healthy again.

Now Papatuānuku is the earth below and Ranginui is the sky, people believe when it’s raining it’s Ranginui crying for his beloved Papatuānuku.

                                                                    THE END.

We made a video. This is it.

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